By Amy Curtis | December 2023
In this issue: Donor spotlight - Jerry and Charla Reilly, 2023 Year in Review, Register for Amy Hite's January SANE presentation, Season's Greetings from the Center.
This newsletter is 708 words long, about a 3-minute read.
One big thing: Center receives first personal philanthropic gift
Photo: Illustration of a heart and stethoscope with thanks.
Jerry and Charla Reilly of Leavenworth, KS, kicked off donor support of the Kansas Nursing Workforce Center with the first personal philanthropic gift.
The Reillys have been long-time champions of nurses and nurse leaders.
In 2018, they created the Reilly Nursing Leadership Fellowship, a 2-year advanced leadership program, designed for experienced nursing leaders within the University of Kansas Health System to explore, learn, adopt and contribute to the knowledge and skills necessary to further their leadership skills.
Their support of the nursing workforce was born out of personal experiences with kind and caring nurses throughout their lives.
"We love nurses," said Jerry Reilly. "We have always supported nurses and we admire their dedication to their patients, especially since we have been patients. Nurses are the ones that get you home. They're the ones that get you well."
The Reilly's gift enables the Center to support Kansas nurses more broadly through research, education and policy. The first step is to build a new information structure that empowers stakeholders to ask better questions and get better answers about the nursing workforce.
"I've always had a close relationship with nurses," Mr. Reilly continued. "When I was a child, my mother would call a nurse and they would help right away. That admiration extends to today. I think that people need to appreciate what nurses do for us and should know more of what they deal with today. This gift is an extension of my utmost respect and love for nurses."
Kansas Nursing Workforce Center Year in Review: 2023
Photo: Illustration of a calendar turning over a new year.
As 2023 comes to a close, we'd like to take a moment to review the Kansas Nursing Workforce Center's accomplishments, as we work to ensure Kansans have access to nurses.
- January - March: need for better information about the Kansas nursing workforce identified.
- KU School of Nursing hosts first listening session with key stakeholders in Topeka to identify how to address this need.
- A report was issued.
- June: listening sessions continue in Southeast, Western, and Central Kansas.
- Amy Garcia, DNP, MSN, RN, FAAN, named co-director.
Monthly newsletter launches as well.
- October: Center leadership expands.
- Barbara MacArthur, MS, RN, FAAN, joins as co-director.
- Alex Alsup, M.S., joins as Data Scientist.
- Shin Hye Park, PhD, RN, joins as Nurse Scientist and Domain Expert; she will lead the Research Committee for the Center.
- Amy Curtis joins as Marketing and Communications Manager.
- November: initial advisory board convenes.
December: first personal philanthropic gift to support the Center is announced.
January Presentation: Amy Hite on SANE Examiner grant
Please join our next Research Committee meeting on January 25, 2024 at 10a.m. Sign up here to receive the meeting link or forward to colleagues who may also wish to attend.
Amy Hite, EdD(c), DNP, APRN, FNP-C, is our guest speaker. She will present her work with the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) HRSA Grant Project.
Amy's work includes efforts to recruit, train, and retain registered nurses (RNs), and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) to complete
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SANE training, resources, and certification so that Kansans who experience sexual assault receive the care they need in a timely manner.
Led by Shin Hye Park, PhD, RN, the Research Committee, facilitates and promotes collaborative nurse research activities across the state.
The committee's goal is to leverage our research talent to better serve the healthcare community of Kansas, advance the field of nursing and healthcare and improve the nursing workforce in Kansas.
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On behalf of the Kansas Nursing Workforce, we wish you happy holidays, and a peaceful and joyous new year!
Thank you for your active engagement and support as we work to stand up the Center.
We look forward to collaborating with you to ensure Kansans have access to nurses when and where they need them and to support nurses both individually and as part of the health care team.
...because Kansans need nurses.
Amy Garcia and Barbara MacArthur
Kansas Nursing Workforce Center
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