Dear Friend,

As we all know, the last month has given us many opportunities to discern how to go about our daily lives due to concerns regarding the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. And some decisions have been made for us. You have been so patient as we've taken some time to listen and ask questons.

Given the guidelines by the state of Illinois and the federal government, and what experts are saying about the long-term process of re-opening the country, we believe it’s best to keep everyone safe, not take risks, and shift our retreats out to the fall. All dates that were already in your rhythm remain there and retreat dates have been added onto the end to make up for the rescheduled retreats. All are listed below.

Here are some important updates about how we will proceed: 

  • Our next in-person retreat will be held on November 16-18, 2020. 
  • All other dates will shift from there so please see a complete list of updated dates below.
  • Rescheduled retreats: June 15-17, 2020 and September 14-16
  • To help us stay connected while we are apart, we have scheduled a community Zoom call on June 16th (the Tuesday that we would have been together on retreat). The call will take place from 10am (CST) to 12pm (CST) and we will start with morning prayer (including a brief reflection) before breaking into our Group Spiritual Direction to be present to God on each others' behalf.
  • You will receive an invitation for the Zoom call a couple weeks ahead of time, along with guidance for the group spiritual direction process and a list of conveners. We encourage you to carve out time in your day to make this a priority. It’s important for you, your small group and the community as a whole.
  • If you cannot make the call, please let your small group know. You will be receiving an email from Ruth directly following this one with more guidance about how to use this extra time during the quarter.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at We look forward to talking with you on June 16th and then seeing you in person in November! In the meantime, we urge everyone to stay safe and rest in God.

The TC16 Team

New Scheduled TC16 Dates

November 16-18, 2020
Retreat #6 | Transformation Through Self-Knowledge,
Self-Examination, and Confession

January 25-27, 2021
Retreat #7 | The Art and Practice of 
Spiritual Discernment

March 22-24, 2021
Retreat #8 | For the Sake of Others: Where
Formation and Mission Meet

June 7-9, 2021
Retreat #9 | A Rule of Life: 
Arranging our Lives for Spiritual Transformation

September 13-15, 2021
Retreat #10 | (Optional) Becoming a Transforming Church

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