Bi-Weekly Updated from MVP Financial Services, Inc.
Bi-Weekly Updated from MVP Financial Services, Inc.
    Bi-Weekly Update from MVP Financial Services, Inc.               03/02/2021    
Dear Most Valued Partner, Welcome to the new issue of MVP's News2Use. We hope you find this newsletter to be helpful and forward it on to a colleague. If someone has forwarded this to you, please consider subscribing --> Manage My Subscription
DIY Quotes & Illustrations
iGo Electronic Applications
Quick Apps & Drop Tickets
Business Planning Opportunities
Business Planning Opportunities
Now there's an easy way to gain ideas that can help grow your business. John Hancock's informative podcast series offers insights into life insurance trends and opportunities — with a focus on tactics that can help drive your life insurance sales.  
Their newest podcast focuses on potential legislative changes that could affect small business owners, highlighting how they can navigate their current and future needs. 
Play Now: Unlocking business planning opportunities in 2021
Use Qualified $$ to Fund LTC
Use Qualified $$ to Fund LTC
For years, annuities have been positioned as a great way to help manage retirement income.  However, tax law changes have made them even more attractive, especially when used to help manage a possible long-term care event. Do a 1035 Exchange into OneAmerica's  Annuity Care policy.
Watch Video:The Great Wealth Transfer
Accelerated Underwriting
Tips for Working Virtually
Electronic Policy Delivery
Women Clients
Meet Needs of Female Clients
March is Women’s History Month - a time to celebrate their vital role in American history. There is no question women have made significant contributions to our society. But what about a woman’s insurance and retirement needs? 
Women face unique challenges when it comes to planing for their finances because it has to last longer. To help celebrate Women’s history month, make it your objective to promote Women’s Financial Concerns. Use the pre-built marketing campaigns from our carriers, and help get the conversation started in your community
MVP Email
MVP Email Update
All MVP Financial email is restored and fully functioning. Please bear with us as we catch up with everyone.
Thank you for your continued patience and entrusting us with your business! 

In case you missed it: The Archives

This Information is for Advisors Only. Not for Consumer Distribution. 
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