Winter Wheat Trials, Hay Market Report, and Upcoming Events
Winter Wheat Trials, Hay Market Report, and Upcoming Events
red barn with corn rows,extension logo and text FDL Co Ag Updates
Week of August 2, 2021
crop update

Winter Wheat Performance Trials

The Wisconsin Winter Wheat Performance Trials are conducted each year to give growers information to select the best-performing varieties that will satisfy their specific goals. The performance trials are conducted each year at four locations in Wisconsin: Arlington, Chilton, Fond du Lac, and Janesville. Trials include released varieties, experimental lines from University breeding programs, and lines from private seed companies. The primary objective of these trials is to quantify how varieties perform at different locations and across years. Growers can use this data to help select which varieties to plant; breeders can use performance data to determine whether to release a new variety. Continue Reading

Hay Market Report - July 26, 2021

In Wisconsin, prices are steady for dairy quality hay. Lower quality or higher moisture hay is being discounted. The next Hay Market Demand and Price Report for the Upper Midwest will be posted by Tuesday, August 10, 2021.

If you have excess straw, hay, or forages to sell or are looking to buy forage, connect to the Farmer-to-Farmer webpage to place an ad. Contact us if you need help placing an ad. There is no charge for the service.
July 26 2020 table
upcoming events

Calumet County Field Plot Tours

August 4 | 10:00AM-3:00PM

10:00 AM - Soybeans in Roller-Crimped Rye at the Intersection of Custer and Elm Roads in Hilbert, WI. Speakers: Rodrigo Werle, Damon Smith, and Dan Smith.
12:30 PM - Sorghum-Sudan Alternative Forage Cocktail Mixes at N8444 Rosner Road in Hilbert, WI. Speakers: Kevin Jarek and Matt Akins.
Attend one or both plot tours for free. Light refreshments at each site and transportation is NOT provided. Registration is requested.

Peninsular Ag Research Station Field Plot Tours

August 5 | 10:00AM-12:00PM

Speakers include Matt Akins, Rodrigo Werle, and Barry Bubolz on the following topics:
  • Growing and Feeding Alternative Forage Mixes
  • PRE-Emergent Herbicides and Cover Crop Interseeding
  • Waterhemp Management
  • Herbicide Resistance Updates
  • Cover Crop Interseeding in 30″, 60″, and Twin 30″ Corn
Tour is free and open to everyone, includes light refreshments, and registration is requested.

Heart of the Farm Coffee Chat: Dinner Conversations

August 9 | 10:00-11:00AM

Join us as we discuss ideas for starting dinner conversations that nourish the spirit, brain, and health of everyone at the table. Speakers: Nancy Vance and Jackie Carattini, Human Development and Relationship Educators, UW-Madison, Division of Extension.
fields with badger crop connect

Badger Crop Connect: Corn Silage Harvest

August 11 | 12:30-1:30PM

This series provides agronomists, crop consultants, and farmers timely crop updates for Wisconsin. Badger Crop Connect is hosted by Extension Crops and Soils educators.
The August 11 Agenda includes: Harvesting High Quality Corn Silage, Cutting Height, Crop Variability, & Pricing, Improving Fermentation & Preservation of Corn Silage & High-Moisture Corn, and Local Update. CCA CEUs available.
Katie Gindt
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