Jeppesen FRM
News Flash DEC'18
Fatigue Risk Management tools
that make a real difference

Shenzhen Airlines First in China to Optimize Crew Operations with Boeing Solutions

Boeing recently announced an agreement with Shenzhen Airlines for Jeppesen crew pairing and rostering services. Shenzhen will be the first airline in China to use Boeing AnalytX-powered crew management solutions for planning and operations of its crew members.
“In preparation for continued air passenger traffic growth, Shenzhen is focused on improving operations and positioning the airline to support that growth,” said Captain Shao Bin, vice president, Shenzhen Airlines. “We are confident that these crew solutions will improve pilot productivity, fatigue avoidance, crew satisfaction and overall operational performance of our fleet.”
Boeing AnalytX Crew Pairing and Crew Rostering products are provided through Boeing subsidiary Jeppesen, and offer advanced optimization and analysis tools that greatly reduce the time needed for crew planning and implementation. Crew Pairing helps airlines create optimized work duties, improving crew efficiency and operational robustness, while minimizing cost and improving safety. Crew Rostering allows airlines to build rosters that respect crew member’s individual preferences and relevant constraints.
Please find the full press release here.

CrewAlert Discounted over X-mas - and Sparkles on iPad Pro!

CrewAlert Pro, the most widely used app for fatigue risk prevention and mitigation as well as data collection, will be available at a reduced price over the holidays. Between December 24 and 31, CrewAlert will be available on the appstore for a third of the normal price, which means approx. USD $10.
The app is recently updated to support iOS12 and to sparkle on the iPhone X and the new iPad Pro. Happy holidays!
(Please read more about CrewAlert here.)

Canada Updates FRM Regulation

On December 12, Transport Canada announced the introduction of new fatigue regulations and requirements for FRMS for their operators. The major Canadian operators will have two years to implement the new requirements.
Please find the press release here.

Promises Broken? Again?

The published roster sent out to crew, typically some ten days prior to the start of the month, constitutes not only a plan but also a ’promise’ to crew about their upcoming time off. Crew will make plans for how to use that time off with activities and gatherings with family and friends - plans not always easily altered.
When the company is forced to change crew rosters at short notice for meeting operational demands, crew are often 'squeezed' between the updated company plan and their own private commitments and obligations - and sleep tends to take the hit. Unstable rosters are repetitively brought up by crew as a major concern from a fatigue perspective. So, what can be done?
A good start is for the operator to quantify and track relevant metrics reflecting this problem. One metric to follow is SSR, the Spare time Survival Ratio, which reflects the percentage of time off in the published roster that remained time off in the flown roster. Another metric is CSR, the Connection Survival Ratio, which is the percentage of planned connections between activities that 'survived' from the publication through operation. These types of metrics will quantify the stability of the published roster and can be used for assessing and benchmarking the operation and verifying improvements over time.
So, how can an operator improve the situation? Efficiently creating robustness, if done without adding a lot of costly overhead, is something of an art. With the use of analytics over the historic delays and disruptions, it is possible in a structured way to re-distribute buffers in the crew rosters so that a cost-neutral plan with much higher stability can be achieved. Analytics solutions such as Jeppesen Calibration is now increasingly making this possible  - enabling airlines to better keep their promises, leading to more alert and satisfied crew. Read more about Jeppesen Calibration here.

Meet up with the Jeppesen experts:

MAR 12-14: Fatigue Management Seminar & Workshop, Singapore 
APR 1-3: Flight Operational Forum, Olso
APR 11-12: FRM Training Course, Gothenburg
MAY 14-15: Jeppesen Crew and Fleet Developer Partners Conference, Gothenburg
SEP 9-13: Shiftwork & Working Time Symposium, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Missed out on the previous NewsFlash? It's right here.
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