• Announcements
  • Finals Are Coming (Tips to Help You Prepare)
  • 3 Tips for Driving in Winter Weather
  • 10 Ways to Stay Busy over J-Term


    Commuter Council has a new name! We are now called: Commuters of Miami.
    The student organization for commuter students, previously known as Commuter Council, has undergone some restructuring this semester. Remember, you are welcome to join the organization at ANY TIME! Let us know you're interested by requesting to join on the Hub.
    Here are some updates to keep you informed:
    The commuter Council has changed our name to Commuters of Miami.
    Commuters of Miami has made lots of changes to our constitution in order to better reflect what we do. Take a look at the new Commuters of Miami constitution and let us know if you have any questions!
    We are planning a Commuters of Miami Winter Term meeting (date TBD) to brainstorm our Spring Semester strategy and make decisions our priorities. Email our President, Darian Rader, at if you'd like to be notified of the meeting time (and you aren't already a member on the Hub). We hope to see you there!
    Chalkboard with text Finals are coming. Tips to help you prepare.
    Finals can seem very daunting, especially if it’s your first time taking them. However, there are many ways to successfully prepare!
    The first step is to start early and do NOT wait until the day before to start studying for an exam. Many finals are cumulative so you’ll need a lot of time to review everything from the semester.
    Many students find it helpful to create their own study guide. This forces you to go over all the material and decide what is most important to outline and reference for the final. If you need visual stimulation, color coding the study guide can be helpful too.
    Create and prioritize a study schedule to help you organize how and when you study to get the most out of your sessions. You should also decide which classes need more attention since they are not likely to be equally difficult. While studying, make sure to take breaks and don’t study any one thing for an extended period of time.
    Another helpful way to study is quizzing yourself. You can do this with hand-written flashcards or creating a quizlet.
    Attend the review sessions, ask questions, and meet with the professor or TA to help you review and consult with the experts on topics that will be on the final. Meeting with peers and teaching them the materials is also very beneficial to seeing what you understand and what you need to review again.
    While we are always huge proponents of the Commuter Center, we know it isn't always 100% conducive to studying. The Student Life Blog just published their Top 7 Finals Study Spots on or around campus. Check it out!
    Make sure to get enough sleep the night before the final and eat a good breakfast. Good luck!
    Snow Road with Text 3 Tips for Driving in Winter Weather
    1. Check your email every morning before you head out for class to check if any professors canceled class. You should also mention to your professor, at the beginning of the semester, that you are a commuter and you would appreciate if they could email you when they plan to cancel a class ahead of time (some may just put a note on the door).

    2. Prepare your car for winter weather before you drive. Ensure you have good tires, traction, and brakes. Pack extra blankets/coats in your car in case you break down in the cold. Keep a scraper and a brush in the side door in case it snows throughout the day and always scrape ice and snow off all windows before driving.

      If your key hole tends to freeze over, do NOT use hot water as this will only make things worse. Instead, invest in a can of lock de-icer which can be found at Walmart for about $3. 

    3. Give yourself plenty of time by leaving early and driving slowly. Leave two or three times the regular amount of space between you and the car in front of you. It takes four to ten times longer to brake on icy or snowy pavenment than it does on dry asphalt. Break early - and pump your brakes if you feel them lock up. 

      Also, remember that bridge surfaces, shadows, and low spots where water can collect will be the first areas to freeze.

    Overall, be decisive and consider safety first when deciding whether or not to drive in winter weather. 
    Mittened hands holding hot coffee. Text reads 10 ways to stay busy over J Term
    1. Get a job or work more hours to boost your cash and savings.
    2. Go to the Rec center and get healthy! Miami students can still visit the Rec over winter and summer break and you will have the chance to see the Rec with no crowds at all. 
    3. Meet up with other commuters. You have a special opportunity to stay connected with friends since you all live near campus.
    4. Spend some time investing in your personal future. Research your future career field, possible internships and Graduate school options. Save your findings in a special place so that it is easy to access when you need it later.
    5. Buy your books for the spring semester and start reading them. This will help you start next semester on the right foot.
    6. Try a new hobby. Winter term is the perfect time! Online music lessons, baking, yoga, painting, drawing, scrapbooking... the possibilities are endless.
    7. Organize your car, room, workspace and closet so that your life will be stress free once school starts back up.
    8. Archive your notes from fall semester, they might come in handy as you get into your upper level courses.
    9. Spend some quality time with your family
    10. Read for fun! Miami University recommends these titles for leisure reading. 
    6 Book Covers, Today will be different by Maria Semple, A Life in Parts by Bryan Cranston, Paris for One and Other Stories by Jojo Moyes, My Own Words, by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult and Gone Til November by Lil Wayne.
    Please don't hestitate to email or call with your questions. 
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