Welcome to our winter garden!
Welcome to our winter garden!
Every January, we find ourselves spending a lot of time watching the birds. We fill feeders, put out fresh suet cakes, and watch the frenzy. A flock of American goldfinches visits every year, along with dozens of dark-eyed juncos and Carolina chickadees. We’ve counted 26 species at our feeders so far this month. They love to dart in and out of evergreen hedges and the woody stems of azaleas, viburnums, and hollies.

Taller varieties like Autumn Monarch™ and Autumn Royalty® provide plenty of perches and shelter for winter birds, while Encore Azalea’s four stunning white selections brighten the woodland garden. If you are looking to attract more birds to the landscape, try some of these fabulous azalea companion plants. Songbirds will goggle up the holly berries, while hummingbirds are drawn to abelia blooms.

Birds may be a welcome sight in our gardens, deer are not always appreciated. Gardens are irresistible to deer in the winter when they nibble our yews and arborvitae with delight. Unfortunately, deer will browse azaleas when alternative food is scarce. If deer become a problem in your landscape, try one of these methods to protect your plants.

Happy Gardening (and Birding!),
All of us at Encore Azalea
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