Announcement from Governor Brown

Memorial Day weekend is traditionally a time for Oregonians to get outside, travel to their favorite vacation destinations, and welcome the return of summer. Today, Governor Kate Brown was joined by a bipartisan group of 26 mayors from across the state in urging all Oregonians, especially Portland metro area residents, to keep it local this Memorial Day weekend to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
After the sacrifices Oregonians have made to stay home to save lives, counties are just now beginning the process of gradually and safely reopening their communities and economies. Phase I counties worked hard to make sure they have the hospital capacity to treat COVID-19 patients from their communities, and the ability to test, trace, and isolate new cases. But those resources will be quickly overwhelmed if visitors flood Oregon’s reopened communities this weekend and unknowingly spark a COVID-19 outbreak.
Oregonians are being asked to be good neighbors this weekend. Stay local and stay safe.
See the official announcement, here.
Photo by Tatum Shaw

Reopening Oregon's Outdoors

Governor Brown has provided an outline for slowly reopening many sectors in Oregon and most counties have applied to do so.  On May 19,  Travel Oregon hosted a 60-minute webinar  intended to help partners understand what Oregon’s phased approach to easing restrictions means for reopening the outdoors to the public. Content included detailed information about what is permitted in Phase 1 reopening and the implications for the tourism industry. This webinar is the first of a mini-series moderated by Travel Oregon intended to cover foundational material to reopening public lands. 
Panelists included:
  • Cailin O’Brien-Feeney, Oregon Office of Outdoor Recreation
  • Michelle Mitchell, U.S. Forest Service
  • Aaron Curtis, Bureau of Land Management
Learn more and access the webinar resources and recording, here.
Photo by Russ Roca

ORLA Provides Safety Checklists for Restaurant and Lodging Operations

Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association (ORLA) launched checklists on Monday, providing safety strategies and protocols for restaurants and lodging properties. The checklists are available on ORLA's website.
The checklists can also be downloaded here: 

May is Wildfire Awareness Month

This month, Travel Oregon, in partnership with the Oregon Department of Forestry, the Oregon Office of State Fire Marshal, the Office of Emergency Management, Keep Oregon Green, the U.S. Forest Service, and other federal, state and local emergency and response agencies, are promoting programs and messages encouraging the public to work together in their local communities to prevent the risk of wildfire. 
For more information, visit and follow #KeepOregonGreen on social media.
Photo by iStock
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