Houston Audubon's Big Year
Houston Audubon's Big Year
Read the biographies of the nominees for our Board. Voting will be held at the speaker event on May 9.
The kiosk at Boy Scout Woods closes on May 5.
Watch the video series Birding on Bolivar Peninsula.
Birdathon 2019: Now-May 19
As we celebrate Houston Audubon's 50th, we invite everyone to help make this year's Birdathon a big year.
Birding ends May 13, fundraising ends May 16
Awards Celebration May 19
  • Speaker Event: Birding Then and Now
  • Destination High Island
  • Plastic Pollution Initiative
  • World Migratory Bird Day at Houston Botanic Garden
  • Birdathon 2019: Bird for a cause!
  • North American Prairie Conference
  • Doris Heard, Exceptional Volunteer for 2018
  • Welcome Birds to Your Yard with Native Plants!
  • Nature Photography: Raptor Photo Shoots & HANPA
  • OKRA Charity Saloon
  • Bird Profile: Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
Thanks for being green and reading The Naturalist online.
Take the pledge and sign up for email alerts for when to turn lights out during migration season.
Focusing on the people and places of Houston Audubon.
  • Bird-Safe Design
  • High Island Nature Tourism Enhancement Press Release
  • Mating Spoonbills Photo Contest Winner
  • Toast Houston's Birds
  • Archbishop Fiorenza March 2019 Survey Results
  • Beak of the Week Profiles: Lesser Nighthawk, Black-billed Cuckoo, Upland Sandpiper, Yellow-throated Vireo
  • Fun Facts, little known gems about birds
Experienced fundraising professional needed for Director of Development.
Experienced natural resources professional for Edith Moore Sanctuary and Volunteer Manager.


Native plant experts will be on-site to help you select the best plants. Learn tips to make your yard bird-friendly. Special discount prices during the event 8 am-1 pm.
Family-friendly interactive program on raptors where you get to meet some of our education birds.
Fred Collins and Bob Honig will talk about how Houston area birding has changed in 50 years.
Members will vote for the board election before the presentation.
Check the website for the most up-to-date information.
Weekly Saturdays May 4, 11, 18, 25
May 4
Armand Bayou
May 11
Hermann Park
May 13
Jun 1
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