Elysian Charter School of Hoboken
Elysian Charter School of Hoboken
www.ecsnj.org friendsofelysian.org
Harry Laub, Ph.D., Director
Elysian Charter School
Weekly Newsletter

A Positively Different Public School

May 8, 2017         Vol. 12  Issue 33
The school newsletter is sent out on Mondays.  When there is a holiday, the newsletter is sent the following day. 

Please note:  send news to lynne.shapiro@ecsnj.org by 1:00 PM on Mondays.
Harry's Corner

We will be showing the movie Screenagers on Thursday, May 25th.  This is a movie that is good for all parents and children who have cell phones and use other media. See below for details.
5 No-Phone Zones for Parents and Kids Alike
Places like the dinner table can be designated phone-free for the whole family. Credit Marie D. De Jesus/Houston Chronicle, via Associated Press 

How can we get our kids to put down their phones when they see us on ours so often?
A 2016 survey by Common Sense Media, a nonprofit children’s advocacy and media ratings organization, asked almost 1,800 parents of children aged 8 to 18 about screen time and electronic media use by the parents. The average amount of time that parents spent with screen media of all kinds (computers, TVs, smartphones, e-readers) every day: 9 hours and 22 minutes. And on average, only an hour and 39 minutes of that was work-related; 7 hours and 43 minutes were personal.
Maybe that’s one reason you hear more and more often the recommendation that families delineate specific screen-free times and places in their lives. James P. Steyer, the chief executive of Common Sense Media, cited the idea of “sacred spaces” advocated by Sherry Turkle, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and author of the 2015 book “Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age.”
It’s just as important to regulate our own use of devices and put them aside for screen-free periods as it is to ask our children to disconnect. And it certainly adds spice to family life if children understand that the same rules apply for all ages: that Dad will get grief for surreptitiously checking his phone under the dinner table and Mom has to park hers in the designated recharging zone for the night just as the children do.
Here are my own top five sacred spaces, but I’ll tell you frankly that they’re very much “aspirational” for me; I have a long way to go before I’m a good example.
1. In the Bed
Keeping TVs out of children’s bedrooms and bedtimes is an old pediatric recommendation from back in the day when TV was the screen we worried about most. Now we also stress keeping smartphones out of their beds, but many of us as adults also struggle with this imperative, which pretty much everyone agrees is critical for improved sleep and therefore improved health. Those of us with children out of the home, of course, tell ourselves that the phone has to come into the bedroom in case a child needs to call — but the phone can sleep on the other side of the room, not on the night stand.
2. At the Table
If the family gathers around the dinner table, basic table manners dictate no digital participants. And yes, that means parents get in trouble if they lapse, and you don’t get to use the old let-me-just-Google-this-important-and-educational-fact strategy to settle family debates and questions of history, literature, or old movie trivia, because everyone knows what else you’ll do once you take out the phone.
3. Reading a Book
I don’t read books well if I’m toggling back and forth to email. That’s O.K. for other kinds of reading, maybe, but not for books. If you made a New Year’s resolution to read more books or you’re going to try for family reading time, you can allow e-readers, but you might keep other screens at a distance. 
4. In the Outdoors
It’s definitely worth picking some outdoor experiences that are going to be screen-free. One of the dangers of carrying our screens with us wherever we go is that wherever we go, the landscape is the same — it’s a conscious decision to go outside and see what there is to see, even if that means losing the chance to take a photo now and then. It may also work to put phones on airplane mode for travel and family activities, so they can be used only as cameras – or for maps or emergency calls if needed.
5. In the Car
This is a tougher one for many families, since screens in the car can be so helpful on long rides, especially with siblings in proximity. But time in the car can also be remarkably intimate family time (yes, I know, not always in a good way). Some of the most unguarded conversations of the middle school and adolescent years take place when a parent is chauffeuring, so it’s probably worth trying for some designated screenless miles. I assume that I don’t have to say that the driver should not be looking at a screen — but the parent riding shotgun in the front also has to play by the rules.
Mr. Steyer said his organization’s survey showed that parents are paying attention to the ways that their children use screen media, and that they see it as their responsibility to monitor and regulate their children’s use of technology. In fact, two-thirds of the parents felt that such monitoring was more important than respecting their children’s privacy.
See Screenagers, The Movie!
Thursday, May 25th at 7:00 p.m. at Miles Square Theater
We will be showing the movie Screenagers on Thursday, May 25th at 7:00 p.m.for students and their families.  The film will be shown at Miles Square Theatre, 1400 Clinton Street, Hoboken. To encourage families to attend together there is a single $10 charge for all family members.  Click on the picture below for the trailer, more information and to purchase tickets. Although the film is recommended for 5th grade and up, any children who has a cell phone or use the Internet will enjoy and learn.
Click image below to purchase tickets!

Letter from Elysian's Speech Teacher 
Dear Families:
Here’s the second installment of my weekly column for Better Speech and Hearing Month. This week the focus was on awareness of loud noise and hearing loss prevention.  As someone who goes to hear a lot of live music, I know the importance of this and always keep a supply of earplugs with me!
As always, please let me know if you have any questions about your child’s speech, language, and hearing development.     
Gail Prusslin, M.S., M.Ed., CCC   
ECS Speech and Language Specialist

Loud noise can be very damaging to hearing. Both the level of noise and the length of time you listen to the noise can put you at risk for noise-induced hearing loss. Noise levels are measured in decibels, or dB for short. The higher the decibel level, the louder the noise. Sounds that are louder than 85 dB can cause permanent hearing loss. The hearing system can be injured not only by a loud blast or explosion but also by prolonged exposure to high noise levels.
How loud is too loud?
The noise chart below lists average decibel levels for everyday sounds around you.
150 dB = fireworks at 3 feet, jet engine,130 dB = jackhammer,120 dB = jet plane takeoff, siren
Extremely Loud
110 dB = maximum output of some MP3 players, 100 dB = hand drill, 90 dB = subway, passing motorcycle
Very Loud
80–90 dB = blow-dryer, kitchen blender, food processor 70 dB = busy traffic, vacuum cleaner,
60 dB = typical conversation, dishwasher, clothes dryer, 50 dB = moderate rainfall, 40 dB = quiet room
30 dB = whisper, quiet library
How can I tell if I am listening to dangerous noise levels?
  • You must raise your voice to be heard.
  • You can't hear someone 3 feet away from you.
  • Speech around you sounds muffled or dull after you leave the noisy area.
  • You have pain or ringing in your ears (this is called "tinnitus") after exposure to noise. 
How else can loud noise be harmful?
Loud noise can increase fatigue and cause irritability.  Noisy backgrounds can make understanding conversation harder. The noise can mask or cover up some of the sounds of speech, making a word like "time" sound like "dime." More concentration and energy are needed not only to listen and hear over the noise but also to speak louder. As a result, voices can be strained, and laryngitis can develop.  Another common effect of loud sound on hearing is tinnitus. Tinnitus is ringing, buzzing, or other sounds in the ear. 
How can I protect my own or my child’s hearing from loud noise?
Avoid loud noise whenever possible. A good rule of thumb is to remember that if you must shout to be heard, then you should avoid the situation.
Lower the loudness of the sound. Keep personal listening devices set to no more than half volume. Don’t be afraid to ask others to turn down the sounds from speakers. Speak to the movie theater projectionist if the movie sound track is too loud.
Wear hearing protection. Cotton in the ears will not work. Hearing protection, such as earmuffs or earplugs, can be purchased at drugstores, hardware stores, or sports stores. Custom earmolds can be made to fit your ears by an audiologist. Learn how to correctly insert the earplugs and earmolds for the best noise reduction.  Earplugs are placed into the ear canal so that they totally block the canal. They come in different shapes and sizes, or they can be custom-made by taking an impression of the ear. Earplugs can reduce noise by 15 to 30 decibels (dB) depending on how they are made and fit.
Do not listen to loud sounds for too long. If you don’t have hearing protection, move away from the loud sound. Give your ears a break from the sound. Plug your ears with your fingers as emergency vehicles pass on the road.
Be a good consumer. Look for noise ratings on appliances, sporting equipment, power tools, and hair dryers. Purchase quieter products. This is especially important when purchasing toys for children.
Can my ears get used to noise?
Don't be fooled by thinking your ears are "tough" or that you have the ability to "tune it out"! Noise-induced hearing loss is usually gradual and painless but, unfortunately, permanent. Once destroyed, the hearing nerve and its sensory nerve cells do not repair.
Ben & Jerry's is the Place to Be on Thursday, May 18
Celebrate your school spirit and win a chance for an ice cream party for Elysian when you join Hoboken Family Alliance at the School Spirit Event at Ben & Jerry’s on Thursday, May 18. Some of your favorite teachers will be scooping ice cream from 4:30 - to 5:00 PM, but come anytime from 3:00  to 9:00 PM to earn points for Elysian. The school that earns the  most points will qualify to win an End of School Ice Cream Party for the entire school, courtesy of Ben & Jerry's.

Elysian earns points by:
1.  Coming out to buy ice-cream on May 18 ANYTIME throughout the event (one point for each purchase)
2.  Entering a unique flavor combo in The Flavor Contest (one point for each submission) http://form.jotform.us/form/41415368838159
3. Showing in words, picture or paintings what makes ice-cream so good. Entries should be posted on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/HobokenFamily?ref=hl (two points for each submission)

The benefit helps HFA generate awareness and recruit volunteers for the Hoboken Bike Camp, June 26-June 30. Ben & Jerry’s, a founding sponsor for the Bike Camp in its 7th year, will donate a percentage of sales from School Spirit Night to the camp. The event will feature performances, giveaways and raffles, including an autographed Eli Manning Giants jersey.
Volunteers Needed for Field Day AND/OR Spring Fling

Field DayWednesday, May 17th - 7:45 am – 12 pm – come join the fun! We need help with set-up, water station, activity stations, Italian ice scooping and clean-up.
Spring FlingFriday, May 19th – 6:45 pm – 10:30 pm – We need help with set-up, chaperoning the dance and clean up.

Please email elysianptso@gmail.com by May 12th to let us know your availability for these events or to ask any questions!

FIELD DAY  -  Everyone will receive a t-shirt in school colors! Get ready for a morning of fun, action and teamwork! You will get to work together with your classmates to conquer activity stations. Please be sure to bring a water bottle that day, as well as a hat and sunscreen.

SPRING FLING - The Middle School Dance for 6th, 7th and 8th graders is Friday, May 19th from 7:30 pm – 10 pm at Local Barre West, 720 Monroe Street, Suite C300. Cost is $10 per student. There will be food provided. Permission slips will be sent home early this week. No one will be granted access without a permission slip. Please return permission slips and payment to your homeroom teacher.

YEAR-END PICNIC - Save the date! This year’s picnic is set for Wednesday, June 7th – rain date Thursday, June 8th. More details to come!
Please Help Elysian Raise Funds By Joining the "Swing Fore The Schools Fundraising Golf Tournament
For the seventh year in a row, Elysian Charter School will be participating in the "Swing Fore The Schools Golf Outing". This is Hudson County's largest golf outing benefiting six local schools which serve over 1,400 students. Last year our school earned over $10,000 by identifying sponsors and registering enthusiastic golfers.  

This year's tournament will be held on Thursday, June 8th (beginning with lunch at 11AM) at the Crystal Springs Golf Resort in Northwest New Jersey. Tee off is 1PM. Bus transportation to and from Hoboken will be provided.

Please consider being one of the 300 golfers who will play 36 holes, participate in fun contests, win prizes and enjoy a delicious lunch and dinner while raising money for our schools!  We are hoping for at least 20 golfers from Elysian so we can do our part with this fundraising event.  

We also need sponsors and have several sponsorship packages available that provide for great visibility for companies interested in reaching families in Hudson County. Please contact Jeff Joss (jeff.joss@gmail.com) or Malin Kallberg-Shroff (malinkallberg@yahoo.com), chairpersons for the tournament, for more details.

Thank you for your support!
First Track Meet a Success! 
Over the weekend the boys ran all three events : 100m, 200m and 300m. All placed, 1st to 4th. 
Upcoming Track Meets:
Saturday Races:  May 13,  June 3   Participants should Arrive by  9:30 / 9:45 AM 

Sunday Races:  May 21,  June 4   Participants should Arrive by  9:30 / 9:45 AM

The1st race begins 10:00 AM.   Races should end no later than noon.  We do not Run in the rain.  

Blue Running Track, Lincoln Park, J. C./ Entrance - Duncan Ave. near Route 440. Parking is Available.

Rugby News!
On Sunday, May 7th Elysian’s Elementary Rugby Club participated in a 6-team tournament at Chelsea Waterside Park in Manhattan.
Ruggers from our 4th and 5th grades overcame rainy, windy conditions to walk away with a respectable 2-2 record on the day. The Club was represented by 5th graders Jared Lee, Colin Rutledge, Eashan Amin, Max Rodriguez, and Gavin Rutledge as well as 4th grade rookies Anthony Defilippis and Jacob Linder.
It was a great start to our season and we look forward to more great matches!
  • The Elementary Club's next tournament is Sunday, May 21 from 12:00 - 2:00 at Chelsea Waterside Park.
  • Elysian’s Middle School Club will take part in a tournament on Saturday, May 20th from 8:00 AM -12:00 PM on Randall’s Island in NYC.
  • Both Clubs will then participate in the NYC Rugby Cup on Saturday, June 17th from 9am-3pm on Randall’s Island.  
Coach John Rutledge
Elysian Students in Garden Street School Play!
Come see Sienna Mello, Taylor Glynn, Samantha Barnes, Dalia Duran and other Hoboken students in Freckleface Strawberry!
Clothing Drive Through the End of the Month
Help Local Families!

All Saints Church and the Jubilee Center are collecting gently used children's clothes, to be given away at an event at the Jubilee Center in late May.  We are collecting clothes, shoes and coats in baby up to juniors/high school sizes.  There's a particular need for clothes size 5T through 15. Hola and Hoboken Charter are joining the clothing drive as well.  Look for the labeled box inside Elysian's front door. Thanks to everyone who has contributed.  Thanks, Elysian - keep your clothing donations coming!
Returning To Elysian In the Fall?  Forms are Due Now!

  • Complete and return to your child’s teacher or e-mail susan.gilbertson@ecsnj.org 
  • More than one child,  please complete one form only. 
  • Include in-coming siblings on the form as well.
My child/children (please print name/names clearly): 
name                            current teacher          
name                            current teacher
name                            current teacher         
_____     Will be attending Elysian for the 2017 - 18 school year.
_____     Will not be returning to Elysian for the 2017 - 18 school year.
 _____     I am not sure of my plans for the 2017 - 18 school year.  Save my
               place… I'll be sure to let you know as soon as we decide! 
Parent Signature   _____________________________________Date_____________________
We have received positive response so far to our inaugural Elysian Charter Summer Camp taking place from July 31 - August 11; however, we still have a fair amount of spots open. In order to ensure we have enough campers, we have decided to open enrollment beyond the Elysian community. 
  • Daily activities include science, arts & crafts, sports, woodworking, field trips and much more.
  • The camp staff will be primarily Elysian teachers, coordinated and run by John Rutledge (5th grade teacher/rugby coach) and Pam Gorode (Business Office and Club Coordinator).
  • There will be 2 one week sessions - the weeks of July 31st and August 7th - you can sign up for one or both weeks.
  • Hours of air conditioned fun, familiar counselors....and no one-hour bus rides there and back!
  • You can find registration forms and more information about the camp at www.ecsnj.org/elysian-summer-camp/camp-registration-form/  
  • Questions can be directed to John and Pam at summercamp@ecsnj.org.
Elysian Collects Box Tops and LABELS for Education: 
Look for the container near Deb's desk in the office!  Thank you! 
As per state law, we no longer publish the exact location of trips for security reasons.
Please read the calendar weekly, as changes are updated regularly.
    Monday, May 8

    • Monday, May 8 through Monday May 15--3rd and 6th grade PARCC Testing
    Tuesday, May 9
    • 7th grade trip
    Saturday, May 13
    • Elysian Track Meet, participants should arrive by 9:30/9:45.  Meet begins at 10 AM, Lincoln Park, Jersey City
    Wednesday, May 17
    • Field Day, 7:45 AM – 12:00 PM – come join the fun! Volunteers needed to help with set-up, water station, activity stations, Italian ice scooping and clean-up.
    • Half Day of School for Staff Development.  12:30 dismissal.  After School Program available as usual.
    Thursday, May 18
    • Film seminar trip
    Friday, May 19
    • 9:00 AM Community Meeting, 6th Grade Concert
    • Spring Fling, the Middle School Dance for 6th, 7th and 8th graders, 7:30 – 10:00 PM, Local Barre West, 720 Monroe Street, Suite C300. Cost is $10 per student. Volunteers needed to help with set-up, chaperoning the dance and clean up.
    Saturday, May 20
    •  Middle School Rugby Club tournament, 8:00 AM -12:00 PM, Randall’s Island, NYC.
    Sunday, May 21
    • Elysian Track Meet, participants should arrive by 9:30/9:45.  Meet begins at 10 AM, Lincoln Park, Jersey City
    •  Elementary Rugby Club tournament, 12:00 - 2:00 PM, Chelsea Waterside Park, NYC
    Monday, May 22
    • Board of Trustees Meeting, 7:00 PM
    Wednesday, May 24
    • Elysian School Play
    Thursday, May 25
    • Orientation for in-coming Kindergarteners
    • Screening of Screenagers at Miles Square Theater, 7 PM, $10 per family, 4th grade and up.
    Friday, May 26
    • Half day of school, 12:30 dismissal.  After School Program available as usual.
    Monday, May 29
    • Elysian closed for memorial Day.
    Tuesday, May 30
    • 6th and 7th grade all day trip.
    • Exhibition, 3rd grade illuminated manuscripts, Morgan Library Book Project.  All are welcome!
    Wednesday, May 31
    • Grades 4 and 8 NJ ASK Science test
    Please make note of the following calendar changes:
    1.   The June 9th Community Meeting is changed to June 16th
    2.   On June 9th there will be the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade concert which will begin at 9:00 AM
    1460 Garden Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
    Harry Laub, Ph.D., Director | harry.laub@ecsnj.org | Phone:201.876.0102 | Fax:201.876.9576
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