Students learn to go about others’ business on social media
Students in the Social Media Marketing class learned the many benefits of social media beyond updating their Facebook status or sharing a friend’s Instagram story. The class provided students an introspective view of how they brand themselves on social media and gave them hands-on experience in creating and executing a business client’s marketing plan through social media channels.
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Panelists share insights on careers and technology acumen
A panel of business and technology professionals shared their expertise about how analytics and innovation impact the financial services industry, and offered up some sage advice on career advancement.
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Around the World: Heather Johnson ’11
From Shanghai to New York City, economics graduate Heather Johnson '11, has seized opportunities that have led her to become a VP in digital wealth at Merrill. Follow her journey.
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Photo credit: Grace Beahm Alford, Post and Courier
Troll Hunters: Clemson professors race to expose social media propoganda
Patrick Warren, associate professor in the John E. Walker Department of Economics, and Darren Linvill, associate professor in the Department of Communication, expose the methods used by Russian trolls and educate students on how to be more cautious social media users. “Destroying empathy is their end goal, and disgust is the mechanism,” Warren said. "Infect enough people," Linvill added, "and soon you have friends and neighbors calling each other animals. That's the kind of rhetoric you see before genocides and wars."
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Study examines costs and benefits of personalized health care 
Research by Gabriela Sava, assistant professor in the Department of Management, delves into an issue that is becoming increasingly popular among consumers of health care – personalized conversations about medical decision-making between doctor and patient.
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The scientific case for hiring a narcissist
Craig Wallace, professor and chair in the Department of Management, explains how people who possess more pronounced dark personality traits have been found to provide unique skills and substantial benefits for a team or workplace. While having too many team members with stronger bright traits may hinder workplace productivity and growth.
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Affordable Care Act expansion linked to drop in crime
Scott Barkowski, assistant professor in the John E. Walker Department of Economics, and Qiwei He, a former Clemson economics Ph.D. student, examined crime rates before and after the Affordable Care Act expanded Medicaid coverage. They found a surprising correlation to a drop in crime within states that adopted Medicaid expansion.
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The Low-Fee Mirage
According to new research, fee competition has not lowered prices for ETFs across the board, with the fastest-growing funds charging the highest fees. “You can buy a number of stock market index funds for less than five basis points,” said Travis Box, assistant professor in the Department of Finance. “Why pay 40 basis points to hold a portfolio of 50 securities that is still passively managed?”
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February 5 and 27: MBA Info Sessions
Join us for info sessions both online and in-person at Greenville ONE on Wednesday, Feb. 5. Additional info sessions will be held on the Clemson campus on Thursday, Feb. 27. Learn about the application requirements and part- and full-time schedules available. We offer degree programs in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Corporate, and Business Analytics. Find out about our new online degree program as well!
February 7: Innovative Leadership Series welcomes Miyun Cho Fellerhoff
Bring a brown bag lunch and join Clemson's MBA Program at Greenville ONE on Friday, Feb. 7 at noon to meet Miyun Cho Fellerhoff, managing director of General Municipal & Structured Finance for Ziegler Investment Banking. Fellerhoff is responsible for the management of the firm’s general municipal and structured finance practice and has successfully structured financing for start-up projects.
February 20: Data Science and Analytics Master's Degree Program Information Session
The need for data science and analytics professionals is growing rapidly in nearly every industry. Learn more about Clemson’s new interdisciplinary DSA master's program, jointly offered by the Department of Management and the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. This unique degree program is online, serves current working professionals, and teaches students the analytical tools they need to gain the edge in this high-demand field. Apply now and start this summer!
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