The Michigan Cardiac Rehab (MiCR) Network is a collaboration between BMC2 and MVC aimed at equitably increasing participation in cardiac rehab for all eligible individuals in Michigan. As we enter the new year, MiCR is thrilled to announce the NewBeat Initiative, a new resource for supporting your efforts in CR
quality improvement.
The NewBeat initiative was created through a partnership between MiCR and the Healthy Behavior Optimization of Michigan (HBOM) team, utilizing input from the MiCR Advisory Committee, the expertise of network members, and the powerful perspective of former CR patients through hours of recorded interviews. NewBeat consists of three ready-to-go interventions, allowing sites to build a custom approach to their QI strategy to fit their patients and their teams:
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New MiCR website that hosts a CR location finder tool, resource library, calendar of events, and much more.
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A selection of high-quality printable materials: 1) a one-pager describing the value of CR for patients and providers, 2) a cardiac liaison postcard to facilitate connections with key program staff, and 3) cardiac care cards to leverage the influence of the provider in encouraging CR participation. All materials offer options for customization and no-cost printing. Use this form to order printed materials by January 19th, 2024.
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- A future opportunity to participate in a transportation support pilot project with Uber Health
We encourage you to head to the MiCR website to access our new tools and resources, and to learn more about the NewBeat initiative. If you are interested in the customizable patient and provider materials, or the transportation support project with Uber Health, please complete an interest form and our team will get in touch with you to schedule a call.
The NewBeat initiative is a welcome supplement to existing QI resources for CR care delivery and optimization, such as the MiCR Cardiac Rehab Best Practices Toolkit, the Million Hearts Cardiac Rehab Change Package, and many more. We look forward to partnering with you in increasing CR utilization across Michigan.
Support for BMC2 and MVC is provided by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network as part of the BCBSM Value Partnerships program. Although Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and BMC2 work collaboratively, the opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints of BCBSM or any of its employees.
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