Dear Traveler,
In Brevard, some of the best things happen in the weeks surrounding the holidays. It’s the perfect time to catch the last act of leaf season. Then, ease your way into holiday shopping before the halls are even fully decked. November can be a great calm before the sugarplum storm, and a great opportunity to catch a breath of fresh air before the turkey goes in the oven. Transylvania enjoys a fair number of cool, clear days this time of year, perfect for outdoor adventures or resting on your autumn laurels in our quaint mountain town. There’s just a lot to be thankful for.
Over the river and through the woods,
The Adventurist
Hooked on a Feeling
3rd Annual Forks of the River Fly Fishing Festival
Deerwoode Reserve
Saturday, November 4th, 12:15-9:30 pm
Sunday, November 5th, Noon – 4:30 pm
Amateur anglers and old pros will be lured into this thrilling two-day event full of clinics, classes, demonstrations, a casting competition, vendors, a full line-up of awesome live music, food, and more. Hosted by Headwaters Outfitters in collaboration with Davidson River Outfitters, this third annual festival at beautiful Deerwoode Reserve promises to be a fabulous venue for your best fish tales and creating a few new ones.

Reel in here for more details
The Heroes’ Journey
Walk Through History
Veterans History Museum of the Carolinas
November 3-4
Veterans, military historians, authors, and everyone interested in military history will assemble in downtown Brevard for this very special two-day event centered around the always impressive Veterans History Museum. Listen to informative lectures, hear from celebrated writers, and network with fellow followers of World War Two history. 

Attention, here
Twinkle, Twinkle 
Aluminum Tree and Ornament Museum (ATOM)
189 W. Main Street, Brevard
November 11 - January 20, 2024
Thursday – Saturday
Noon - 4pm
It’s a holiday truism that one person’s tacky is another’s tinseled treasure. The
world-renowned ATOM returns to The Transylvania Heritage Museum for another spectacular, sparkling season. This year will be focused on the 1950s. Visitors can experience a wide variety of revolving glitter and shine, including an Elvis-themed room, a mid-century house ramble, a collector’s reception, and live music throughout the season.
Shine on here

Also of note in November

Ladies by the Lake
TEDxBrevard Women

Brevard Music Center
Saturday, November 11

Our community’s most indelible voices tell incredible stories of the women of Brevard with music, art, friends, and more.
Find your seat here.
Artful Traditions
Behind the Mask: Cherokee Mask Makers and Their Legacy
Allison-Deaver House
Saturdays and Sundays throughout November
Learn about Cherokee masks and the talented artists who created them at this unforgettable exhibit.
Carve out some time in your schedule here.
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