Monthly Updates - May 2021

Dear Colleague, 

Welcome to the May edition of the SOLVE-CHD monthly updates to our Investigators and Stakeholders group. This monthly e-newsletter will keep you up to date on the key progress of the SOLVE-CHD projects and provides updates on our events and initiatives. From June, the recipients of this newsletter will be expanded to all members of the SOLVE National Network. Please
email Julia ( if you wish to share/add anything from your area that directly/indirectly related to the SOLVE-CHD program.
Launching SOLVE National Network 29th April 2021 
On 29th April, SOLVE Launching was held via Zoom with a great turnout of more than 70 attendees from over 25 Organisations across Australia. Opened by Adj Prof. John Kelly AM (Heart Foundation), who highlighted the alignment of SOLVE's objectives with the global, regional, and national mission of the World Heart Federation and the Heart Foundation, particularly in Policy Development, Emerging Leaders, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Secondary Prevention, and Consumer Engagement space. 
Dr. Saraid Billiards (Department of Health) and Prof.Gemma Figtree (ACvA) congratulated the SOLVE Team and underlined the importance of this Synergy Grant and its multidisciplinary approach to the Mission and priorities of the ACvA, Cardiovascular Health, and MRFF for all Australians.
Julie provided a brief background of SOLVE and the National Network. Robyn, Tom, and Adrienne introduced our key activity areas: transformative data and quality, new research, and capacity building followed by some great discussion among attendees. 

The feedback we have received has been very positive so far, we have already heard from a number of people asking for collaboration opportunities straight after the event.

We look forward to fostering the exciting collaborations that will follow, and keen to meet you all in person at our next event!  
SOLVE Consumer Engagement Workshop  

Thanks to our friend, Heart Support Australia, with their support, we are in the process of planning a Consumer Engagement Workshop in late May or early June. More details to come. We are hoping for more consumer representatives to get involved, if you have someone in mind, please let Julia Ning know. 
National Cardiac Registry (NCR) Update
Followed by Julie's meeting with the NCR in February, we were invited for further discussion with them about the details of the partnership. The meeting went well and it was agreed that SOLVE would most likely collaborate with the NCR in the form of affiliation, which will give us access to support, governance, and advice, etc. The NCR will bring this issue to their next steering committee for a formal discussion on 21st May.  We will keep you all posted on the progress of this important partnership. 
Applications for SOLVE PhD Scholarships and Fellowships are open at the University of Sydney, with Deakin and UWA's to follow. Please forward the links to your network and help spread the word. 
PhD Scholarships USYD (Open dated)
Full ($32K p.a.)    Supplementary ($10K p.a) 

Fellowships (Close Sunday 16th May): 
Part-time role          Full-time role

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