4-H Friday Newsletter - Friday, January 8, 2021
Have a Newsletter Contribution?ALL CLUB and PROJECT LEADERS, MEMBERS, and PARENTS can contribute to the
articles posted weekly by completing a short form and uploading their article and any photos
to accompany it at https://forms.gle/QBMvvsCzhaiHEfNM8. SAVE THIS LINK! Articles for the current week must be submitted by midnight on Thursday. We would love to hear from you!
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Family Learning Day 2021- Presenter Registration
Family Learning Day is an opportunity for 4-H members (grades 5K-13), leaders, parents, and the community to learn a new skill.
Instead of meeting face to face as in previous years, we are looking to offer “project kits” or presentations that are offered virtually. Many of the sessions typically offered at Family Learning Day can be put into a project kit. Please help make this day a success by volunteering to put together a “project kit” or two. If you need help, invite another person to help you put it together. All kits must include a written set of instructions. If possible, please include pictures of the steps along with the instructions. If you would like to offer a virtual session to teach or would like to make an instructional video to be viewed while the youth completes the kit, you are welcome to do so, but it is not necessary.
Please complete the Presenter Registration by January 10. Click here to submit an electronic Presenter Registration Form. (This is just confirming that you would like to offer a project kit.) You will receive notice of the number of participants in your session shortly after the registration deadline, Feb 1.
Project kits must be assembled and dropped off at the Extension Office by Feb. 26, 2021. Everything needed to complete the project (with the exception of typical household items - i.e. scissors, rulers, pencils, glue, etc.,) should be included unless noted in the project description.
More information will be coming about the project kits that will be offered for Family Learning Day 2021!
Questions: Contact Extension Fond du Lac County at 920-929-3170.
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Alyssa Frisch received a $2,000 WI 4-H Foundation scholarship in 2020 to study mechanical engineering. She was a member of the New Directions 4-H Club in Columbia County.
2021 Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted
The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation will award more than $15,000 in scholarships to outstanding Wisconsin 4-H members and alumni pursuing higher education in 2021. To be considered for financial support, applications must be received by the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation via email by Monday, March 15, 2021.
To be eligible for Wisconsin 4-H Foundation scholarships, students must have been a Wisconsin 4-H member for at least three years; have a grade point average of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, and be enrolled or planning to enroll at a university, college, or technical school during the 2021-2022 academic school year. Scholarship winners from previous years are not eligible to receive a second 4-H Foundation scholarship.
The application is a one-page resume and a one-page cover letter, both of which give the 4-H youth a chance to share their 4-H achievements, as well as their future plans. Applicants are asked to treat this process as if applying for a job.
Cover letters and resumes must be submitted as one PDF document and emailed to scholarships@wis4hfoundation.org. For detailed information about what to include and how to prepare the application documents, 4-H youth can visit www.Wis4HFoundation.org/scholarships.
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Teen Leaders AssociationThe club's next meeting is Monday, January 25, 2021. At the January meeting, the youth will be making valentine cards for a local nursing home. Please remember to bring your own supplies. If you are going to join virtually for the meeting, please mail in or drop off your cards at the Extension Office! The January recreational activity will be Tubing at Sunburst Winter Sports Park in Kewaskum.
TLA is always looking for new members to join! To be a member, youth must have completed 6th grade. If you are interested in joining or would like the link for the meeting, please contact Tina Engelhardt at tina.engelhardt@wisc.edu.
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Connecting with Kansas! We have a fun opportunity for you to learn more about youth involved in 4‐H in another state! If you are a 4-H youth member who is age 13 or older, join us for a virtual exchange with 4-H youth from Kansas. You will have the opportunity to learn more about their state, their 4‐H program, how they are different, and similarities in their 4-H program. Each youth will have an opportunity to lead an icebreaker, whole group discussion, breakout room, or reflection over the 6 Zoom meetings. Planning will begin at the first meeting.
Who: McPherson County and Central Kansas District & WI 4-H youth
Time: 6 pm
Start Date: February 11
Where: Zoom
Register by: Monday, Feb 1
Click here to register: https://forms.gle/Do1E8KF5dsgdz3rp6
Meeting information will be sent out prior to the first meeting.
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Fond du Lac County Market Livestock Beef Project Identification
Beef Tag Distribution: Saturday, January 9
10 am to 12 noon | Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds
Self-ID Documentation due January 25
11:59 pm | Via online
This year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and precaution guidelines, the Fond du Lac County Market Livestock Committee will not be conducting an in-person market beef initial weigh-in. For this year, the initial Beef Identification will be conducted like what was done in 2019 for the sheep, meat goat, and swine projects with families identifying their own animals and submitting documentation online via Google forms.
Exhibitors must self-identify his/her market beef project animal(s) by tagging the animal with an official Fond du Lac County Fair RFID tag, providing photo documentation of both ear tag placement and project animal, and completing the animal identification form with the link provided later. There is no DNA sampling requirement.
A double ear tag system (one visual ID, and one corresponding RFID tag) will be used. The visual ID tag is to be placed in one ear of the beef animal. The corresponding RFID tag is to be placed in the opposite ear. If an animal loses a tag, contact a member of the Market Livestock Committee to be issued a new tag. If an animal loses both ear tags, the animal will be disqualified from the competition.
Since there will be no initial weigh-in, there will not be a rate of gain contest this year. There is no maximum weight at time of self-identification, but please take note of the minimum sale weights for beef animals and plan appropriately in the size your animal should be at this time. The minimum weight for steers to sell in the Market Livestock Sale will be 1,100 pounds for beef bred, 1,200 pounds for purebred dairy bred, and 1,150 pounds for dairy x dairy crossbred.
A maximum of 3 steers can be weighed; however, only one can be sold in the market livestock sale. Members can show a beef (purebred or crossbred) steer, a purebred dairy steer, and/or a dairy x dairy crossbred (2 different dairy breeds crossed).
Only one exhibitor name can be associated with a steer EXCEPT in the case of brothers/sisters.
Thank you for your support in making the Fond du Lac County Market Livestock Project a safe and memorable project! If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Market Livestock Project Committee or go to https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/fdlmeat/ for more information.
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Youth Livestock Lessons Great news! We are releasing the next round of Livestock Lessons ending on March 5, 2021. The potential topics for your lessons are endless! We would love for you to submit your 4-H demonstrations, FFA public speaking entries, any videos, and written work that aligns with the work your already doing. This time period will allow us to see you talk about acquiring your animal project or caring for newborn animals. No matter what topic you choose, remember that the most impactful presentations are both accurate and engaging. Be creative, be funny, be serious, just be you! Think about something you have learned in your animal science project or something that you enjoy doing and prepare to share it.
Round 2 of the Wisconsin Livestock Lessons will include many ways for youth to show their work and interests.
For grades 3-8: (only one submission per category)
- An oral video presentation.
- Written Public Service Announcement (PSA).
For grades 9-13th: (only one submission per category)
- An oral video presentation.
- Written Public Service Announcement (PSA).
SAE Project Slides
Livestock Lessons are open to all youth who are interested in animal projects. Each youth can enter one submission in both oral presentations and written public service announcements, and for older youth grades 9-13th they can submit an entry in the SAE Project Slides. The SAE Project Slides are a new addition to assist older youth in framing out topics of interest and explore careers, which can assist them in completing their SAE application. Submitted entries will be divided into the following grade judging categories from the 2020-2021 school year. Junior (Grades 3-5), Intermediate (Grades 6-8), and Senior (Grades 9-13).
Submissions are due March 5. The top entries in each division will receive monetary awards and maybe featured on Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program social media, YouTube channels and other media outlets. Oral Video Presentations, Public Service Announcements (PSA), and SAE Google Slides must be submitted by March 5.
Additional program information and how to submit your Livestock Lessons can be found by going to the Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program site: https://bit.ly/LivestockLessons.
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Upcoming Livestock Project Webinars
The Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program (WYLP), in connection with the University of Wisconsin Madison Animal & Dairy Sciences Department, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and Division of Extension is excited to offer LIVE Virtual Zoom educational programs for the winter/spring of 2020-2021. These current topics are for youth and adults alike and occur on the 2nd Thursday of the month from January through May. Each session begins at 7 p.m. CST with a presentation followed by Q&A. You must register at https://go.wisc.edu/r3x8lh in order to receive the connecting information through email.
Each webinar will county 1 point towards the minimum 8 points needed to qualify for the Market Livestock Sale. For meeting credit, please complete the online form at http://bit.ly/fdllivestockpoints.
For more information regarding the Fond du Lac County Market Livestock Project, please visit https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/fdlmeat/.
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January:Beef Tag Distribution- Jan 9, 10 am-12 pm at FDL Fairgrounds
Family Learning Day Presenter Registration - Due Jan 10- Forms can be submitted electronically
Roaming the Rumen- Thursday, January 14, 7:00 pm- registration is required
Conversation Corners- Creating Better Bylaws- Thursday, January 14, 7:00-8:00 pm
- Wednesday, January 27, 7:00-8:00 pm
Volunteers in Preparation (VIP) training- via Zoom Teen Leaders Association (TLA) Beef Self-ID Documentation- DUE January 25, 11:59 pm via online
4-H Meetings Reimagined 2.0- Thursday, January 28, 6:30-8:30 pm
February: Deadlines: - Virtual Exchange: Connecting w/ Kanas Registration Due Feb 1
- Family Learning Day Project Kits Registration Deadline Feb 1
- Family Learning Day Assembled Project Kits Dropped off at Extension Office - Due Feb 26
Virtual Exchange: Connecting w/ Kanas- Thursday, February 11, 6-7 pm
Feeding & Caring for Swine without Ractopamine- Thursday, February 11, 7 pm
- Registration is required
Teen Leaders Association (TLA)- Monthly meeting Monday, February 22, 7:00 pm Hybrid (in-person & Zoom)
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