Each one a circular canvas of swirling seas, the night sky, or beyond.
Each one a circular canvas of swirling seas, the night sky, or beyond.
Purchase Glass
Time to Light the Furnaces!

Summer to-do list: cold-work the glass made last spring, rebuild furnaces, repair equipment motors and belts, replace diamond grinding wheels, clean and sharpen tools, paint trim on house and barn, start designing new website, photograph glass and edit text for 50th retrospective book, create new cane disks... plus about a million other big and little jobs. Progress report: almost done!  
If that's not enough, we also cleaned up the barn and in the process unearthed a nice assortment of Corona and New Mexico Stellar Disks that we set aside to show you someday... which, as it turns out, is today! 
Click any photo below to see more.
Corona Stellar Disks
corona platter corona platter
New Mexico Stellar Disks
new mexico platters new mexico platters
Draconids Meteor Shower TOMORROW
The Draconids occur annually from October 6-10, peaking this year on the 7th. This shower is unusual in that best viewing is evening instead of early morning like most other showers. A second quarter moon will ensure dark skies. Best viewing will be away from city lights (and here at the studio). Meteors will radiate from the constellation Draco, but can appear anywhere in the sky. Source: seasky.org
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