Elysian Charter School
Weekly Newsletter
A Positively Different Public School
May 2, 2016 Vol. 11 Issue 32
Please note that the school newsletter is sent out on Mondays. When there is a holiday, the newsletter is sent the following day. Please send news to lynne.shapiro@ecsnj.org by 1:00 PM on Mondays.
The weekly newsletter is archived on Elysian's website, www.ecsnj.org, so that you can always access both the most recent newsletter as well as all previous ones.
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Harry's Corner Today’s column is written by Gail Prusslin, our Speech and Language specialist in honor of Better Hearing and Speech Month.
Dear Parents:
Are you concerned that your kids spend too much time on tablets, smartphones, or other devices? Do you have fewer conversations with your kids than you’d like because of technology distractions? Do you find yourself constantly asking your kids to lower the volume on devices because you can hear the music blaring through their earbuds or headphones?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are a typical parent in the digital age. These are struggles for most of us as technology increasingly becomes central to our lives and our children’s lives.
During May, my professional association—the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)—celebrates Better Hearing & Speech Month. Given that, I want to take this opportunity to remind you of the important roles that verbal communication and personal interaction—free from technology distractions—play in children’s academic and social development.
Kids today are using devices for hours every day—time that once was reserved for talking and reading, interactive and imaginative play, outdoor experiences, and other activities. Yet, the primary way young children develop their speech and language abilities is through verbal exchange—talking and reading with parents. This is a precursor for their own reading abilities and overall academic success. Children also learn from hands-on experiences. Educational apps can play a part, but they are in no way a replacement for what is learned through person-to-person communication. As we head into the summer months, when children no doubt will have more time to use devices, consider carving out some device-free time each day.
Another pressing issue related to technology use is hearing damage. Unfortunately, there has been a significant spike in hearing loss in young people in recent years. This coincides with the rise in popularity of mp3 players, tablets, and other devices. Even mild hearing loss can lead to reduced academic achievement, poor self-concept, and feelings of social isolation, among other consequences—so, encourage your kids to keep the volume on their devices to half level and to take listening breaks. Hearing loss due to unsafe listening habits can be prevented, but once it occurs, it is irreversible. Teach (and model yourself) these good habits early.
Finally, this is an opportunity for me to remind you about my availability should you have any concerns about your child’s communication development. I can be reached through your child’s teacher, by leaving a note in my mailbox, or by stopping by my office (Room 221) before school.
Gail Prusslin, M.S., M.Ed., CCC
Speech-Language Specialist
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| Elysian’s First Ever eBay Store Elysian Charter School’s first ever eBay store has officially launched and opened its “store doors” for business! We encourage all family and friends to keep this in mind when looking to “clean out the clutter” around the home. The idea came from a parent and a committed group of 7th and 8th grade students who saw this as a great opportunity to raise money for school trips, special projects and wish list items needed for the school. These students have been working together to set up and create the Store as well as learn the necessary business skills needed to run an eBay Store successfully. It is the students’ hope that the Elysian eBay Store will be handed down to new trained middle school recruits, and continue throughout the years. For us to have a successful eBay Store and raise money for the school we will be looking to our community for “new” or “used” saleable items, in excellent working condition. The Elysian eBay Store has a dedicated email address to contact directly the “student team”: ebay@ecsnj.org when you have item/s in mind to donate. We will first ask you to submit a photo and a description of your donated item/s to sell so we can evaluate the item/s to make sure they will sell well for us. A “drop off”and also “pick up” arrangements will be provided. Please consider that the articles you wish to donate are not too heavy or large for us to ship. Keep us in mind! You might just have $$$ sitting there that we can sell for you and your children at ECS. Proceeds from sales will also benefit Friends of Elysian Charter School (the school’s 501c(3)) so it is a win-win for all! More information will follow shortly. If you have any questions and/or already have items/s that you wish to donate, please contact the team right away at ebay@ecsnj.org Give your items away … to Elysian eBay Let us make money $$ for our School
Friends of Elysian Charter School is recognized as a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c) (3) of the internal Revenue Code. Contributions are deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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Mile Square Theatre Benefit
Thank you to everyone who came out on Saturday and attended the benefit performances of “Circus Minimus: The One-Man Circus in a Suitcase.” A great (and silly) time was had by all! The total proceeds of nearly $1,400 will be distributed among Elysian, HoLa, Hoboken Charter and MST’s own education scholarship fund. Our thanks again to Elysian parents Chris O’Connor & Annie McAdams, and Zabrina Stoffel, all from Mile Square Theatre, who coordinated this event.
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Notices went out last week asking families if they plan to remain at Elysian next year. If you have not already done so, please fill out this form - one per family - and send it into the office. We would like all responses by May 9th. Thank you!
Dear Elysian Families, We are in the midst of planning for the next school year and need to know your plans. All Elysian students are guaranteed a spot next year, as are siblings (space permitting). If you tell us there’s a chance you might not return, we’ll hold your child’s place until you make a final decision. This information enables us to encourage wait-listed families to “hang on” since there's a chance a space might open up. In this way, you help us achieve full enrollment for the next school year. We appreciate your answering in an honest and timely fashion. - Complete the form, below, and return it to your child’s teacher or e-mail susan.gilbertson@ecsnj.org.
- If you have more than one child, please fill out one form only but include information about both children..
- Please include any in-coming siblings on the form as well.
My child/children (please print name/names clearly): ONE FORM PER FAMILY ________________________________________ name current teacher ________________________________________ name current teacher ________________________________________ name current teacher _____ Will be attending Elysian for the 2016 - 17 school year. _____ Will not be returning to Elysian for the 2016 - 17 school year. _____ I am not sure of my plans for the 2016 - 17 school year. Save my place… I'll be sure to let you know as soon as we decide! Parent Signature _____________________________________Date_____________________
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| Art Room Wish List - From Nikki
Saran Wrap
Index cards
Baby wipes
4 Muffin pans (aluminum are fine)
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Middle School Spring Fling is Friday, May 20th
Elysian's annual Middle School "Spring Fling" will be held on Friday, May 20th (in the evening) at Room 84 (Washington Street). Our middle schoolers have voted and chose a "Glow in the Dark” theme. The event is open to all Elysian middle schoolers (grades 6-8) and includes dancing, games, snacks and even a red carpet arrival! Permission slips with event details will be sent home this week. Stay tuned to this newsletter for more details.
Volunteers are needed to help with preparations and on-site supervision. Please contact Kim Demopoulos at kimdemo@icloud.com if you can help.
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| PTSO Corner Shop At Little City Books the week of May 16! Get ready for a “mini” book fair to gear up for summer reading, help build teachers’ libraries and support local business. For the week of May 16th, people can shop at Little City Books (or online), mention Elysian, and our school receives a portion of the proceeds. You may shop for your kids, for yourself and/or for your teacher. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details.
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Extension of After-School Homework Help After-School Homework Help will be extended as follows: - Grades 3 through 6 will meet on Thursdays, May 5, 12 and 19.
- Grades 7 and 8 will meet on Thursdays, May 12, 19 and 26.
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The Club will meet for weekly practice on Tuesdays from 3:00-3:45pm at 1600 Park. The first practice will be Tuesday, April 19th and run the following dates (weather permitting) – 4/19, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/24, 5/31 and 6/7. Please have students dress appropriately for outdoor practices and bring a water bottle. With the field so close, I am able to walk the Club members to practice. Elementary Schedule Middle School Schedule
Sunday, May 22nd Time TBD
Location TBD Sunday, May 15th 12-2pm Saturday, June 4th Time TBD
Chelsea Waterside Park, NYC Randall’s Island, NYC Saturday, June 11th 8:30am–3pm Saturday, June 11th 8:30am–3pm
Randall’s Island, NYC Randall’s Island, NYC It promises to be an incredible spring rugby season and I look forward to seeing you on the pitch! Coach John Rutledge, john.rutledge@ecsnj.org **Please be aware that all school medical forms must be up to date for your child to participate. Please contact Diane DeSombre with any questions regarding these forms.
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| Spring Track Info
- Track practices will take place at 1600 Park ave. in Hoboken, N.J. from 3:00 - 4: 00 PM on the following Wednesdays: (May 11th, May 25th, June 1st)
- Students may be walked over to practice by an aftercare staff member or Coach Jason.
- Students who self dismiss from school may walk there on their own.
- Dismissal procedures from track practice will be based upon the registration form (indicated by the parent/ guardian). Students returning to aftercare will be walked back to the building by an aftercare staff member or the coach.
*** The track in Jersey City is currently under going renovations therefore, track meet dates are still to be determined.***
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Pre Alg. & Alg. Units 1 & 2
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Information About Class Trips/ORGS ONLINE
Effective immediately, class trips that incur a fee of $25 or less can only be paid for BY CASH OR CHECK (payable to Elysian Charter School). We will NOT be posting trips with fees of $25.00 or under on ORGS ONLINE any longer. Many of you have expressed concern over the $4.00 surcharge when paying for trips online, so this will no longer be a factor when paying for those less costly trips. It will also make it easier for teachers to track trip payments and be less of a burden on parents to remember to log on to pay. When returning a permission slip to your child's teacher, please remember to attach the cash or check payment. Thank you.
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| Lost and Found
Please check out the large pile downstairs by our entrance.
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| Elysian Collects Box Tops and LABELS for Education Look for the container near Deb's desk in the office! Thank you!
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| MAY Calendar (and some of June)
Tuesday, May 3- Rugby, 3 - 3:45, 1600 Park
Friday, May 6- 6th Grade Spring Concert at 9:00 AM in the Elysian Gym
Monday, May 9- Are you Returning Forms are due, see above for form
Tuesday, May 10- Rugby, 3 - 3:45, 1600 Park
Wednesday, May 11- Track Practice, 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Tuesday, May 17
- Rugby, 3 - 3:45, 1600 Park
Wednesday, May 18 - Half Day of School for staff development, 12:30 PM dismissal. After School program available as usual
Thursday, May 19
- Ben and Jerry's School Spirit Event, 405 Washington Street, 3:00 - 9:00 PM. Buy your favorite flavor and win a chance for a free ice cream party for our ENTIRE SCHOOOL
Friday, May 20
- Community Meeting starring Elysian's Rock Band
- Spring Fling Dance (6-8th grades), Room 84
Tuesday, May 24
- 3rd - 5th grade school play
- Rugby, 3 - 3:45, 1600 Park
Wednesday, May 25
- Track Practice 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Friday, May 27
- Half Day of school, 12:30 dismissal. After school program available as usual
Monday, May 30
- Elysian closed for Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 31
- Rugby, 3 - 3:45, 1600 Park
Wednesday, June 1
- Track Practice, June 1, 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Friday, June 3
- 3rd/4th/5th Grade Spring Concert, 9:00 AM in the Elysian Gym
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1460 Garden Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Harry Laub, Ph.D., Director