Igniting the Next Generation of YOU!
I was recently speaking with a friend who said, wouldn't it be great if we stopped comparing ourselves to other people! "Of course, I said, "that would be great!"
It was an a-ha moment for me as I reflected upon the concept of no comparisons. I realized how damaging comparisons of people can be, because I was hurt. I was compared to another person in a recent relationship and it felt awful and caused some issues for me.
We compare ourselves to others all the time. Her hair looks better than mine. Her shoes are nicer than mine. Her relationship is closer than mine. What are we doing? As individuals, we rock! We should be proud of ourselves every day.
I'm dedicating the Igniting the Next Generation of You column in 2016 to increasing our self-worth! Let's stop the comparisons!
This month, go stand in front of the mirror and say I LOVE YOU! Learn to appreciate each gray hair, laugh line and scar. It might be hard at first or feel weird, but go ahead and try it. Every day.
We'll continue the conversation next month. XOXO.