May 27, 2022Marie's Message
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Hi All, This is the season of graduation. As I was thinking about graduation I found some great advice for graduating seniors. There are many things to remember when approaching graduation day, but here are five pieces of advice for graduation and beyond.
1. Never Stop Learning While school years may end, there are always more opportunities to grow and learn. Approach the future with an open mind and be willing to learn from those you encounter. Whether it is your boss, a coworker, or mentor, always be open to learning from others. 2. Remember Everyone’s Path is Different There is no wrong way to start your adult life. While some graduates may score full-time jobs in far off places, it is okay to take a post-graduate internship, work odd jobs or even take some time off before finding a job in your field. Everyone’s journey is different and no one has the same destination in the end. 3. Invest in Your Relationships After college, friendships and relationships will change. Everyone is going their separate ways, and not living right next door anymore. Maintaining these relationships will take more work, and it is important to remember to catch up with friends and make time for them as your lives take different routes. Plan weekend getaways, lunch dates, anything to keep in touch as the years go by. 4. Make Yourself a Top Priority The future is in your hands. Moving forward, you control your destiny and you will have to have your own back. Make sure to do what it best for yourself, and not anyone else. 5. Take Time to Stop, Look Around and Take It All In Graduation is a special time, take a second to soak it all in. Feel the joy of accomplishing something amazing. But also accept the sadness that may come when embracing the future. Embrace any and all emotions that may come your way, and above all be proud of yourself because you will never relive a moment like this.
-taken from The Slate, serving the Shippensburg University community since 1957.
I wish all of our graduates a hearty Congratulations! and the best in your future adventures.
Marie Witzel Positive Youth Development Educator marie.witzel@wisc.edu 920.386.3790 (office) 920.210.3080 (cell)
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Summer SPARK Opportunity!Open to Youth Grades 7-12
Register now through May 30th!
In the past, we have had many 4-H youth in Dodge County take advantage of the opportunity to go to Youth Conference in Madison to experience new sights and learning activities. 4-H SPARK DAY is this year’s Youth Conference. Instead of having one 3-day event, organizers are hosting three 1-day events in different areas of the state to better serve the youth across Wisconsin.
We encourage youth in grades 7-12 to consider one of the geographically closer 4-H SPARK DAY, either at UW Milwaukee on Tuesday, July 21 or UW-Madison on Wednesday, June 22. Don’t let the words "Art & Culture" scare you off. Workshop options include subjects like escape room, entrepreneurship, growing plants and forensic botany, to name a few. Check out the workshops, they have many new and unique areas of interest!
How to register: if you currently have a 4HOnline account, check out the instructions on how to register here. If you do not currently have a 4HOnline account and would like to register, check out the instructions here. Registration will be done via 4HOnline, and is open now through May 30th on a first-come, first-serve basis. Each day is its own separate event registration in 4HOnline.
Registration costs will be $30 per youth. Registration costs will include program supplies, a t-shirt, any local transportation and lunch.
Please contact Ellen Bohn at ebohn@co.dodge.wi.us or call 920-386-3790 with any questions.
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4-H Summer Camp
Youth who completed grades 3-8 are invited to attend Dane County 4-H Summer Camp!
Session 1: July 25 - 28, 2022 Completed Grades 3-5
Session 2: July 28 - 31, 2022 Completed Grades 6-8
$210.00 - Dane County 4-H Member $260.00 - General Camp Rate Includes all supplies, meals and snacks. *Financial assistance available
Drop off and pick up at Upham Woods Camp.
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Picture Yourself Learning with Us!Take & Learn and the Virtual Learning Community INVITE YOU(TH)
Join us for a NEW distance learning opportunity open for all youth! (Youth do not need to be enrolled 4-H members to participate). This is a chance for us to learn together about our cameras and how to take even better photos! It doesn't matter if you use a phone, a point-and-shoot camera, or a DSLR camera. Any of those work, and we can't wait to see what you create! This series is for all ages and abilities, but there are many ways for youth to choose to participate. REGISTER HERE!
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Hats Off...
...to the Dodge County 4-H Horse Project members who competed recently at the State 4-H Educational Days held at the Dodge County Fairgrounds on May 13-14
- Kathryn Witzel (Astico Perseverance) (Sr): Public Speaking and Interpretive Reading receiving Grand Champion in each and qualifying for Nationals in Kentucky with her speech, Individual Demo receiving a Top Ten, and participating in Hippology. Read more about Kathryn Witzel's road to Nationals HERE!
- Abby Streiter (Lebanon Luckies) (Sr): hippology.
- Kari Schmidt (Juneau Victorians)(Jr): Individual Demo receiving a Top Ten and Hippology.
- Paige Conley (Neosho Utopians), Jocelyn Mielke (Watertown Badgers), Harper Zillmer (Hyland Prairie)(Jr): Hippology
- Brooke Crego (Juneau Victorians) and Theodore Crego (Juneau Victorians) (Beg): Hippology.
- Junior horse bowl team (Pictured): Paige Conley, Jocelyn Mielke, Kari Schmidt, Harper Zillmer with Brooke Crego and Theodore Crego as alternates received a Top Ten.
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4-H Recycles at the Fair!
Rose Lake (Juneau Victorians) is working on a project to improve recycling efforts at the Dodge County Fairgrounds. Rose has met with the Fair Board in April & May and also with the 4H Leaders Association in April to get the groups' support of this project. Rose is planning to have a couple work days at the Fairgrounds in July. If you wish for more information or to get involved in planning, contact Melissa Sette-Lake, Juneau Victorians Co-Leader, Cell: 920-382-9605 or jmlake02@yahoo.com.
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4-H Rocks Seeks Volunteers at the Art & Peony Festival
We are in need of 2-4 4-H youth (in grades 7th & up) or adult 4-H volunteers interested in having fun and promoting 4-H at the Art and Peony Fest/Farmers Market on Saturday, June 4. The event will be at the Farmers Market 204 S. Center St. Beaver Dam from 8 am to noon. We can split the time into two hour shifts if we have enough people interested. This will be a fun day helping younger youth make 4-H tattooed rocks. Dodge County 4-H will provide the rocks, markers and tattoos.
This is a very well-attended and popular community event! Youth who participate can promote 4-H for the whole time of just a couple of hours. The 4-H station was very popular last year, and we are planning for another fun and engaging activity! To volunteer, please contact Ellen Bohn, 4-H Program Assistant at 920-386-3790 or email ebohn@co.dodge.wi.us.
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Apply for a Dodge County 4-H Endowment Fund Grant!
Who can apply? Any Dodge County 4-H member and/or leader can apply on behalf of his/her Dodge County 4-H club; any Dodge County 4-H subcommittee or group; Dodge County 4-H Leaders Association, Inc.; and/or Dodge County Extension agent.
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Dairy Promotion Funds Available to ClubsThe Dodge County Dairy Promotion Committee and Wisconsin Women for Ag sponsor funding for 4-H clubs and groups to host dairy promotion events in their communities. This handy packet includes funding request forms, report forms, contest score sheets, and financial report.
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Volunteer at the Dodge County Dairy Brunch!
Times available for food serving, table runners, clean up and more! Sign up and be a part of the Dairy Brunch Bunch!
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2022 4-H Fashion Revue June 13
4-H'ers are invited to participate in the 2022 Fashion Revue. All 4-H members in the clothing, crocheting, knitting, Cloverbud, Consumer Savvy, and Exploring projects are invited to participate in the upcoming multi-County Fashion Revue.
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Are You a Good Shot?
We're looking for a few good photographers!
Our 4-H youth are working across the state to learn and grow through 4-H. The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation is looking to establish a database of experienced and talented adult photographers who are willing to go to events to take photos of 4-H youth doing 4-H things. Interested? If you want to be added to the photographer pool, please provide your name, email address, phone number and the counties where you are willing to work. If you're not a photographer, you can help by sharing this information with adult volunteers who may be interested in providing photography services.
Email joanne@wis4hfoundation.org to register on the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Photographer Pool.
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Summer Archery Dates
The schedule is set for our summer archery meetings on Monday's beginning June 13th through July 18th 6:00pm-7:30pm at the Horicon Bowmen Club. No meeting on July 4th. We will meet outside of the club house in Horicon as our meeting will be outdoor shooting. We will still have equipment for the kids to use if needed. We will be hosting our own competition this year at the Bowmen on July 23rd. Please contact Eva or Jessie Lynch at evalynch@live.com if you are interested in helping. Link to the entry forms are HERE.
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Youth Livestock Project
Youth Livestock project members that are enrolled in 4-H, FFA or other approved Dodge County youth groups, are able to find information on Education Opportunities, Market Livestock Identification, YQCA and the Dodge County Meat Animal Sale Committee at the Extension Dodge County Youth Livestock Project webpage.
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4-H DAIRY JUDGING RESOURCES(There’s also an app available for Android and Apple users)
Please use the resources for further explanation of cuts and how classes are scored. Questions? Please contact Kari Behling at 608-444-2441.
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Apply for a Youth Dairy Grant Today!
The grant funds are to be utilized to purchase a dairy animal (any breed) to grow a youth’s dairy herd. $500 grants are available for the 2022 program. Grant money is made available through proceeds from the Dodge County Dairy Youth Recognition Auction, held each year at the Dodge County Fair. Deadline to apply June 1, 2022.
Youth Dairy Project Education Card
Questions about Dairy Project Education Cards or grant application? Contact the Dairy Youth Advisory Committee at dodgecountydyac@gmail.com or call Extension Dodge County at 920-386-3790.
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Goat Project MeetingsJune 28 Sheep Barn, Dodge Co. Fairgrounds 7pm
July 26 Sheep Barn, Dodge Co. Fairgrounds 7pm
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Rabbit & Cavy Project MeetingsJune 20 Small Animal Building, Dodge Co. Fairgrounds (6pm Cavies only)
June 27 Small Animal Building, Dodge Co. Fairgrounds (6pm Cavies/7pm Rabbits)
July 25 (CAVIES ONLY) Small Animal Building, Dodge Co. Fairgrounds 6pm
July 28 (RABBITS ONLY) Small Animal Building, Dodge Co. Fairgrounds 7pm
For questions, email docorabbits@gmail.com
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Poultry Project MeetingsContact Dan Schwandt, Poultry Project Leader at schwandtdutch@aol.com or 920-763-8030.
- June 16 7pm - Small Animal Building @ Fairgrounds
- July 21 7pm - Youth Building @ Fairgrounds
- September 15 - Youth Building @ Fairgrounds
IMPORTANT UPDATE!: Ron Kean, Poultry Specialist, from WI Dept. of Ag, Trade, & Consumer Protection has officially suspended all poultry shows, exhibitions and swap meets statewide through May 31, 2022.
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BlueRibbon Online Fair Entry Open!The BlueRibbon Online Fair Entry system for the Dodge County Junior Fair is OPEN! 4-H'ers can enter up to 20 exhibits in the Dodge County Junior Fair in project areas that they are enrolled in. For Junior Fair Entry information, please visit the DODGE COUNTY JUNIOR FAIR webpage. DEADLINE TO ENTER FAIR ENTRIES IS JUNE 10, 2022.
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Fair Stand Schedules!
Check with your Club's General Leader to sign up for shifts in the following Fair stands:
- 4-H Cream Puff Stand (1 shift left!)
- 4-H/Farm Bureau Food Stand (9 shifts open!)
- WI Women for Ag Ice Cream Stand (12 shifts open!)
- 4-H Promotion Booth (2 shifts open!)
- 4-H Fish Pond (1 shift left!)
There are times available for everyone to volunteer! Contact your club's General Leader to sign up for a shift!
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Join the 4-H Silent Auction Committee!
Volunteers Wanted! The 4-H Leaders Association is seeking a few adult and older youth volunteers to serve on the 4-H Silent Auction Committee.
Thank you to the 4-H volunteers who have volunteered for this 4-H fundraiser - we need just a couple more volunteers! The 4-H Silent Auction Committee organizes and runs the annual 4-H Silent Auction during the Dodge County Fair August 17-21.
For more information on this fun, leadership opportunity, please contact Marie Witzel marie.witzel@wisc.edu or Tracy Malterer tmalterer@co.dodge.wi.us
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- June 2 4-H New Family Junior Fair Orientation, 6:30pm Fairgrounds
- June 2 Dairy Judging Workshop, 7:30pm Behling Family Farm Randolph
- June 4 4-H at Art & Peony Festival, 8am-12noon, Beaver Dam
- June 6 4-H Dog Project Meeting, 6:30pm Fairgrounds
- June 10 Junior Fair Entry DEADLINE
- June 13 Summer 4-H Archery Session Begins, 6pm Horicon Bowmen Club
- June 13 4-H Fashion Revue, 5:30 Extension Fond du Lac County
- June 13 4-H Dog Project Meeting, 6:30pm Fairgrounds
- June 16 4-H Poultry Project Meeting, 7:00pm Fairgrounds
- June 20 Cavies Project Meeting, 6:00pm Fairgrounds
- June 20 4-H Dog Project Meeting, 6:30pm Fairgrounds
- June 21 4-H Leaders Association Meeting, 7:00pm Fairgrounds
- June 27 Beef Fitting Clinic, 4:30pm W9120 County Rd S, Beaver Dam
- June 27 4-H Dog Project Meeting, 6:30pm Fairgrounds
- June 27 MAS PRE-SALE Meeting, 7:00pm Fairgrounds
- June 27 4-H Rabbit Project Meeting, 7:00pm Fairgrounds
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