Violence Free Colorado's Monthly eNewsletter
Violence Free Colorado's Monthly eNewsletter
News, Upcoming Trainings, Other Resources
December 2022
Thank you to all our supporters who donated on Colorado Gives Day! Together we raised $4,525.
If you missed Colorado Gives Day and still want to include us in your end of year giving, donate here

Coalition Updates

From our entire staff

Many of you may still be reeling from the mass shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs a couple weeks ago. For resources and ways to support the victims and those injured at Club Q, please see our statement and resource page, and reach out to us if we can support you or your staff. 
Our Leadership Team: Marissa, Roshan, and Monica
Monica Rivera and Roshan Kalantar 
Leadership Team

Leadership Team 

End of Year Office Closure
Hello and happy December! In an effort to support staff wellness, we will be closed for 10 business days between December 22 and January 4. During this time we will have staff available in an on-call capacity to field urgent technical assistance calls from members, but will not be conducting other routine business. If you have any questions or concerns about our closure, please don't hesitate to reach out to Monica.

We're wishing you all a healthy and safe winter season! We're excited about continuing our important work together in 2023!
Corinne DiVittorio
Corinne DiVittorio 
Finance, Operations, and Grants Manager

Welcome, Corinne!

Corinne (she, her) is our Finance, Operations, and Grants Manager. She joined our team in October after spending 3 years managing administration, operations, and volunteers at a direct service domestic violence agency. At Violence Free Colorado Corinne will be helping to keep numbers, documents, systems, and grants up to date so that we can in turn support survivors and member organizations across Colorado.
Outside of work, Corinne is pursuing a masters in nonprofit management. She is a self-identified nerd, cat mom, nature enthusiast, and crafting dabbler. 
Join us in welcoming Corinne
Brandy Walega and Miranda Encina

Training and Technical Assistance Team

Training and TA Team

12 - 1:30 p.m. Dec. 13  **Please note the 90-min. time slot**
Title: Protecting Survivor Privacy, Confidentiality, and Privilege
Presenters: Emily Tofte Nestaval, MSW (she, hers) and Kazi Houston, MSW, JD (she, hers) 
ASL and Spanish interpretation provided. Tendremos la interpretación de ASL y español.

The legal obligations of service providers to protect survivor information can be complex and variable. This webinar will provide an overview of the differences between privacy, confidentiality, and privilege, and discuss what obligations service providers have to protect client information in different scenarios. Also discussed will be best practices for releases of information, what to do if you get a subpoena, how to ensure survivor privacy is protected even as staff and volunteers leave an organization, and what to do if information has been shared. Attendees will learn about privacy considerations in criminal, civil, and other cases, and will have an opportunity to submit specific questions ahead of time.

A weekly planner with doodles

Mark your calendars

  • Noon Jan. 10: January Facts & Snacks - An Overview of the Colorado Lethality Assessment Program. Learn more and register
  • Feb. 2 and 16: Human trafficking webinars - Time and registration to follow. 
  • Noon Feb. 14: February Facts & Snacks - Information on abortion and reproductive healthcare access as it relates to domestic violence survivors. Registration to follow. 
Hannah Colter
Community Impact Specialist

Community Impact Team 

Get ready for 2023 membership renewal!
Membership renewal is around the corner - we'll be sending out renewal info in early-mid January. If you have any outstanding member dues payments for 2022, please make those by Dec. 15, as our office will be closed the last week of the year. As always, please don't hesitate to contact Hannah with any membership questions!

Resources and Other News

Trainings Available from the National LGBTQ Institute on Intimate Partner Violence
The National LGBTQ Institute on Intimate Partner Violence is offering free-of-cost interactive trainings for organizations serving LGBTQ survivors of IPV:
  • 2-hour core trainings for agencies looking to provide essential training to their staff on providing culturally- responsive care to LGBTQ survivors, best practices, and tangible skill-building
  • 5-hour capacity-building training for agencies that either have attended the 2-hour core training or something similar, and are looking to get more in-depth knowledge
  • One-on-one technical assistance to provide personalized support depending on the needs of your agency 
  • An On-Going Learning Center which has free-of-charge, on-demand courses you can take at any time, including a 101 on LGBTQ identities, resources, and best practice guides
If you have any questions or would like to discuss trainings at your organization, please

New! WomensLaw Live Chat Option 
NNEDV houses the WomensLaw project, which provides easy-to-understand legal information and resources to individuals living with or escaping domestic violence or sexual assault. Today, WomensLaw has launched a live chat option for Email Hotline users. Users of the Email Hotline can schedule a chat appointment with a WomensLaw attorney to ask follow-up questions and get further information about their legal inquiry.

**WomensLaw provides information to people of all genders, not just women.

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