Before and After-School Extended Day Program Registration
St. Michael’s strives to meet the needs of children and families beyond the traditional school day. A number of scheduling options provide for care before and after-school and during school holidays. St. Michael’s offers both Lower School and Middle School Extended Day programs.
The Core Extended Day Program is offered to kindergarten through fifth grade students from St. Michael's and the Riverside School. Care is offered from 7:20-8 a.m. and 3-6 p.m. every day that School is in session. Extended Day will also be open on weekdays when the Lower School is closed (e.g., Columbus Day) or dismisses early for faculty professional development.
NOW is the time to sign up for LOWER SCHOOL Extended Day care for the 2017-2018 school year.
**Click HERE for a copy of the Lower School Extended Day Enrollment Contact.** Contracts may be dropped off at the Lower School front office.
Middle School Extended Day is a drop-in program. Care is offered Monday-Thursday from 3-4:30 p.m. in the MIddle School Allen Library,
- The cost is $5.00 per half hour, billed to School accounts. (Note: Students waiting for a St. Michael’s event, e.g., an athletic practice or game, pay only a flat fee of $5.00 for the entire time until 4:30 p.m.)
While there is no need to register in advance, we do ask kindness of either: a) a phone call to the Middle School office, 272-3514, or b) an email to Mrs. Godwin ( AND Mrs. Steele ( to let us know your child will be taking advantage of Middle School Extended Programs on a given day.
Click the button below for additional details regarding our Extended Day program offerings and pricing.