Greetings PERE/CSII Friend! In our September eNews digest, we feature:- A new report on the UNIDAD coalition's community organizing victories for equitable development in South L.A.
- Two upcoming webinars: one on the National Equity Atlas city-level data and another on building unity between immigrant and African-American communities.
- This month's CSII researcher profile on Stephanie Canizales, USC PhD candidate.
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Private redevelopment is in full tilt in downtown Los Angeles—and cities across the nation—but with what is often welcome progress also comes unequal gains and potential problems of displacement.
Planning, Power, and Possibilities tells the story behind two community benefits negotiations forged by the United Neighbors in Defense Against Displacement (UNIDAD) coalition in South Central L.A. In two community organizing victories, UNIDAD has proven that community organizations and private developers can forge a shared future, using tools like community benefits agreements.
In this report, PERE puts these agreements in a broader context, showing how histories matter, movements matter, and models matter for achieving mutually beneficial wins and building inclusive, diverse, and vibrant cities.
Full Report Executive Summary
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National Equity Atlas data is now available for the 100 largest U.S. cities.
Join PolicyLink and PERE for a webinar featuring new city-level data tools on Wednesday, September 30th at 11am PDT. The speakers include: Betsy Hodges, the Mayor of Minneapolis, Angela Glover Blackwell and Sarah Treuhaft from PolicyLink, and Pamela Stephens and Manuel Pastor from PERE.
Learn how to use this detailed, disaggregated data on race, nativity, and income at the city level to advance policies and strategies for equitable growth.
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The Immigrant Learning Center (ILC) hosts a webinar on "Building United Communities of Immigrants and African Americans." On Thursday, October 8th at 10am PDT, join a webinar hosted by the ILC's Public Education Institute on the historical and current perspectives on the relationships between immigrant and African-American communities. A panel of speakers (including CSII's Rhonda Ortiz and Vanessa Carter), will discuss data tools, trends, and research-based communication strategies to promote dialogue, integration, and community building.
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| This Fall Semester, PERE/CSII welcomes a talented group of new students:
Research Assistants- Sandy Lo (2nd year MPP student, USC)
- Victor George Sánchez, Jr. (1st year MPP student, USC)
- Iliana Perez (PhD student, Claremont Graduate University)
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Stephanie Canizales, PhD Candidate, USC Dornsife Sociology Department
In this month's researcher profile, we feature CSII research assistant Stephanie Canizales. Learn more about the connections between her academic career, her work on CSII projects this summer, and her dissertation research. The latter is focused on the experiences of Guatemalan youth and young adults in Los Angeles.
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Stay tuned for details on the book's website, links to its free eBook version, and more information about upcoming book release events!
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