Autumn Quarter | Week 8 November 13, 2023
Managing Family Expectations
Thanksgiving break is a time for rest and gratitude, but it can also create the potential for stressful family interactions. Whether you plan on visiting family or not, here are some resources to help you manage family expectations:
Highlighted Event: Let's Chat: LGBTQ+ Folks and Holiday Breaks
| Let's Chat: LGBTQ+ Folks and Holiday Breaks
November 13th, 4:30pm - 5:30pm, LGBTQ+ Lounge
Center for Identity + Inclusion, 5710 S. Woodlawn Ave
RSVP appreciated:
It's not always easy heading home for breaks over the holiday season. Learn strategies for negotiating hard conversations with family while staying safe & true to your authentic self. Come chat with counseling professionals from Student Wellness and staff from LGBTQ+ Student Life and enjoy coloring, care kits, connection, and community. This conversation is open to all students, faculty, and staff and will include content directed to those who identify as LGBTQ+. Light refreshments provided.
| Video of the Week: Holiday Meditation
This week’s video is a short meditation for coping with stressful conversations and dynamics with family during the holidays.
Come learn more about Brazilian music styles and culture in this relaxing and interactive workshop. Music is universal, so you do not need to speak Portuguese to have join in the fun!
Monday, November 13th, 5pm at Cobb 110.
For questions, email Juliano
| Food Security Resources provide short-term support for students experiencing difficulties with food access.
Graduate and Professional Students can contact Student Support Service, and Undergraduate Students can contact the Center for College Student Success at You can also apply for grocery vouchers here.
| UChicago Student Wellness has partnered with TimelyCare to offer more options for virtual mental health care and support. All eligible students have access to TimelyCare free of charge - you just need to activate your account at
With TimelyCare, students have access to scheduled counseling visits, the TalkNow on-demand service, psychiatric care, health coaching, and self-care content. Learn more here.
UChicago Student Wellness
840 E 59th Street, Chicago, IL, 60637 | 773.834.9355
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