Ready for School - Building Blocks for Kindergarten
Use Your Words -
Language Development
The third Building Block for Kindergarten is that simple. Help your child develop strong language skills.
Three vital words that nurture language development:
- Read to your child everyday - engaging her in conversation about what the pictures in the book illustrate, what might happen next in the story, and what she thinks about it.
- Talk with you child about what he sees when you are taking a walk, shopping, driving in the care. Make time to talk to your children about what they need, want, and feel. Using words in conversation with children is one of the key ways to build readiness for school.
- And sing - songs from your childhood, songs you make up, silly songs. The rhythm and rhyme of singing is a great way to build language and vocabulary.
The research is clear that the number of words that children hear during the first three years of life has a very significant impact on later school success. Now is the time to read, talk, and sing. And listen. Listen carefully when your child is talking. Ask questions and show you care about what he/ she is saying.
Children are ready for the kindergarten classroom when they can
- Hear and understand the meaning of words, stories and songs
- Talk about thoughts, wants and needs
- Speak clearly enough so that other people understand
- Use complete sentences and connect ideas together to make longer sentences
- Say or sing nursery rhymes and familiar songs.