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Education and Training Symposium Draws Faculty from Portuguese-Speaking (PALOP) Countries to Vanderbilt

Last month, the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health (VIGH) hosted a global health education and training symposium for faculty representatives from faculties of medicine of Portuguese-speaking African (PALOP) countries. Faculty from universities located in three of the six PALOP countries attended as well as an affiliated faculty member from University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.  
During this week-long visit, visiting faculty met with Vanderbilt faculty members from across campus to brainstorm and develop action plans for future collaborations. This symposium covered a range of topics including grant management and research ethics, multi-institutional training and education initiatives, engagement, and student exchange opportunities. In addition, visitors explored the Vanderbilt Center for Experiential Learning and Assessment (CELA), the simulation lab for clinician training at Vanderbilt, and completed training exercises in the lab.  
VIGH is committed to partnering with institutions where research agendas align, and education and development activities coexist. The PALOP global health education and training symposium is a reflection of these efforts to further partnerships and collaborations with institutions around the world.  

ImPACT Africa Program Expands to Ethiopia 

The Department of Anesthesiology recently received a grant to expand efforts of ImPACT Africa (Improving Perioperative Anesthesia Care and Training) to Ethiopia. This grant will build on the successful ImPACT-Kenya project in Kijabe, Kenya. ImPACT-Kenya provided training to 150 Kenyan Registered Nurse Anesthetists (KRNAs), in anesthesia care, teaching, data collection, and simulation training. 
For this initiative, Vanderbilt Anesthesia will partner with Bahir Dar University in Amhara and Mekelle University in Tigray. Kijabe Hospital will remain a training hub as the program expands to Ethiopia. Mark Newton, M.D., and Bantayehu Sileshi, M.D., will lead the project with support from the GE Foundation and ELMA Philanthropies. 

VIGH Makes Research Connections with Students 

Doug Heimburger, M.D., M.S., Associate Director for Education and Training, and Elizabeth Rose, Training and Development Coordinator, represented VIGH at the Office of Medical Student Research event, Research Connections 2019. This event allowed first- and second-year medical students to learn about research opportunities and mentoring from departments and centers across Vanderbilt and VUMC. 
Photo Credit: Anne Rayner, Vanderbilt University 
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Global Health Grand Rounds
Mondays at 11 a.m. 
2525 WEA, 8th Floor
Jan 21
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Jan 28
Lloyd Mulenga, MBChB, MSc, MMed University of Zambia Ph.D. Candidate
National HIV Program Coordinator, Zambia Ministry of Health
Director, Infectious Diseases Centre, University Teaching Hospital

Register for the 2019 Global Health Case Competition 

Registration is open for the 9th annual Global Health Case Competition, organized by the VIGH Student Advisory Council (SAC). Students from all schools are encouraged to participate.
Register today »
Events Calendar
Featured Events  
Jan 24 | 12 - 1 p.m. 
A-2200 MCN
Conference Room 1161 

Substance Use, Demographic, and Socioeconomic Factors are Independently Associated with Post-Partum HIV Care Engagement in the Southern United States, 1999-2016
Presenter: Cassandra D. Oliver, M.P.H., VUMC,
Institute for Medicine & Public Health, VUMC
Jan 24 | 4 - 5 p.m.
Light Hall 208
Flexner Discovery Lecture: "Health not Healthcare: What we should talk about when we talk about health"
Presenter: Sandro Galea, M.D., M.P.H., DrPH, Dean and Robert A. Knox Professor, Boston University of Public Health (link
Jan 31 | 12 - 1 p.m.
A-2200 MCN 
Conference Room 1161

Identification of CD4 + T Cell Subsets Higher in Diabetic Persons Living with HIV
Presenter: Celestine Wanjalla, M.D., Ph.D. Division of Infectious Diseases, VUMC
Feb 1 | 11:30 a.m. -
1:30 p.m.

SLC Ballroom
Public Health Practicum Colloquium (link)
Presenters: Vanderbilt MPH students on their practicum experiences 

2525 West End Avenue, Suite 750 | Nashville, TN 37203 US
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