Grand Valley State University

ECS Highlights

In an effort to improve communication between ECS/UAS and faculty colleagues, the Executive Committee of the Senate (ECS) at its August 12, 2021 retreat recommended that each week, a general message will be sent out to all faculty. This message will highlight the immediate past ECS meeting and give a preview of the upcoming ECS meeting. In particular, the highlight will summarize the key agenda items and provide context on the key votes; the pros and cons will be summarized and the key arguments for each highlighted. The Chair of ECS/UAS will continue to prepare a document on the highlights of the agenda for each UAS meeting and share with faculty a week before the meeting. Herein are the highlights of the ECS meeting of October 8, 2021 and a preview of the ECS meeting of October 15, 2021. Meetings of the ECS are restricted to members of the ECS, their alternates, and others whom the ECS may invite, pursuant to SG
Highlights of ECS Meeting of October 8, 2021
Chair’s Report:
  • Faculty forums on shared governance scheduled for Wednesday, October 27, 10:00-11:00 am and Thursday, October 28, 2:30-3:30 pm
  • Reminder to submit proposals for the 2021 Teach-In and to volunteer to host/moderate sessions
  • Update on Provost Search
  • Upcoming business for future ECS meetings were presented. The next ECS meeting is scheduled for October 15.
Provost’s Report
  • Reminder that midterms are coming
  • Students / faculty / staff: please take care of yourselves and take some time for self during Fall Break
  • Remind students about Fall Break!
  • Provost’s website includes buttons (scroll down, on the left), including curated selection of "personnel, salary, evaluation, and related links"
  • COVID-related information in response to questions
    Important to maintain vigilance on mask-wearing
    Case numbers continue to rise in MI even though falling nationwide

    Consequences in process for those who do not follow the vaccine mandate
    Monitoring state funding bill that includes language disallowing vaccine mandates
Student Senate President’s Report
  • Student Senate President was absent.
New Business
  • RH2025: next steps following lack of endorsement from UAS
    President Mantella's memo in response to the UAS Vote on Endorsement of RH2025 was received during the meeting and discussed. A decision was made to resume discussion at the ECS meeting on October 15.
  • AFAC Memo on Affiliate Faculty Evaluation Procedure
    Placed on the UAS agenda with a recommendation to support
  • Memo on Appointments to the OEMC
    Placed on the UAS agenda with a recommendation to support
  • Report of the Affiliate Faculty Representation on Senate (AFFARES) Task Force on meeting with AFAC
    The task force will draft Bylaws language providing for the AFAC Chair or substitute to serve as a standing (non-voting) representative on ECS
  • Faculty Activity Plan Designation Discussion
    Finding an alternative designation/acronym is advisable.
  • Title IX discussion
    Additional information will be requested for the ECS meeting on October 15.
For more details on the above items, please go here.
Preview of ECS Meeting of October 15, 2021
Old Business
  • RH2025: next steps following lack of endorsement from UAS
New Business
  • Title IX discussion
  • Discussion of Peer Review Pilot: update from FPPC
  • APSC memo on Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) policy / undergraduate
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