Autumn Quarter | Week 4 October 16, 2023
Study Smarter, Not Harder
Highlighted Event: Stress Relief Day
| Friday, October 20th
McCormick Tribune Lounge | Reynold's Club
Join Student Wellness, the Center for Leadership and Involvement and UChicago Dining for Stress Relief Day: a mid-quarter break to engage in stress relieving activities such as chair massage, art therapy activities, puzzle making and postcard writing, or stop by to enjoy a snack or warm beverage while you take a break from your busy day.
Stress Relief Day will take place in the McCormick Tribune in Reynolds Club. We hope you stop by to take a break with us!
| Video of the Week: Stop Studying, Start Learning
Enjoy this Ted Talk by Justin Sung to learn about effective methods for absorbing information.
Academic Skills and Assessment Program
The Academic Skills and Assessment Program (ASAP) is designed to help students improve their academic performance by addressing a number of concerns that can interfere with effective learning.
This quarter, join weekly Building your Academic Toolkit workshops on Mondays from 2:00-3:30pm in the Student Wellness Center. Click below to find out more!
Art Therapy Open Studio takes place every Wednesday from 2:00-4:30pm in the Student Wellness Center.
Open Studio is a self-directed, community space for you to spend time doing creative activities you enjoy, while socializing and/or taking a breather. You'll have the freedom to choose the materials you want to work with and the option to stay as long as you would like.
| Don't let "achoo" stop you! 🦠🤧🤒 Get your FREE flu shot during any of our flu shot clinics this week!
FREE flu shots are available for individuals with a University ID. Walk-ins are accepted, but you can make an appointment.
Clinics will take place on October 18 (Regenstein Library) and 20 (Main Quad).
Protect yourself and your loved ones this flu season!
UChicago Student Wellness
840 E 59th Street, Chicago, IL, 60637 | 773.834.9355
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