Linda Brown (BS, ’88) passed away on October 18, 2023 at the age of 66. Brown was a CSUDH Toro through and through, as she began working for the university as a clerical assistant upon her graduation. She was an active member in the CSUDH Alumni Association holding multiple titles such as President, Vice-President, and Treasurer over various years.
Dr. Grace Coleman (MS, ‘73/’84) died on December 9, 2022. An extraordinary alumna, her legacy includes defying societal norms, earning multiple degrees, and dedicating over 40 years as a Marriage & Family Therapist.
Kathleen Ann Gallagher (BS, ’99) died on July 19, 2021, after an honorable battle with cancer. Kathy was a registered nurse for 46 years, including positions at Saint Francis Memorial Hospital, French Hospital and Kaiser Permanente Hospital, San Francisco. Kathy was well-respected for the decades of bedside care and time and mentorship she shared with her fellow coworkers.
Teru Miyahira (MS, ’76) passed away on January 19, 2012 at the age of 80. He was born on May 5, 1931 in Kealia, Kauai in Hawaii, and had been a longtime resident of Carson, Calif. Miyahira worked as a microbiologist in Los Angeles until he retired in 1993.
Janelle Nelson (BS, ’22) passed away of a short illness on November 26, 2023. Nelson was among 75 student leaders who participated in a meeting at the White House with Vice President Kamala Harris to discuss the fight to protect reproductive rights. She was attending her first semester at UCLA in their MSW program.
Zoranna Schaffer-Knego (BA, ’13) died on October 11, 2022. A devoted artist and educator, she nurtured creativity in her students leaving behind a legacy of beautiful art that reflected her passion and playful guidance.
James Steven VanManen (MS, ’76) passed away on May 28, 2023 at the age of 90. VanManen served in the U.S. Army in Germany during the Korean War. He was an avid runner, participating in many marathons and 10k races during his lifetime. After his running career, VanManen took up downhill and cross country mountain biking, racing even into his 80’s.