Conference Sponsors and Exhibitors,
2020 has been a challenging year, both personally and professionally, making it one for the books. With all that has happened in the past six months, we can be thankful that the housing market is strong. Our industry knows how to adapt to a constantly changing environment, and together we will overcome these unique times.
Moving the RESNET 2021 Conference to a virtual event was a decision that took a lot of time, consideration, and research by RESNET’s Staff and Board of Directors. I will miss getting to meet the membership on a more personal level, possibly over a beer, but the health and safety of our network is our highest priority. That said, we are proud to present the 2021 conference theme: “A New Path to the Future."
Our sponsors and exhibitors are essential to creating a valuable attendee experience, and for 2021 we are asking for your support in hosting our virtual conference. With the different levels of sponsorship opportunities available, your company can choose the best way to promote yourself to the entire RESNET network.
Opportunities include a virtual exhibit hall, social media posts, pre-conference marketing exposure, live-stream sponsorship commercials, and more. We hope to have you pioneer this event with us as a supporter of the first-ever RESNET Virtual Conference. Your sponsorship serves as a reminder that we are all in this together. Be sure to register early to receive maximum exposure and company recognition.