Dear Members of the Campus Community:
I write with an update about the closure of ground floor of the Sojourner Truth Library and ongoing work to mitigate the presence of mold on materials on that level.
As previously announced, Facilities Management staff, other campus personnel and third-party consultants have been working actively to monitor and address this issue since it was first discovered earlier this year.
We have made substantial progress in managing the conditions that caused this issue. Humidity in the affected area is currently below 50%, well below levels conducive for mold growth, thanks to use of dehumidifiers and other treatments.
We are also moving forward with Purchasing and Environmental Health & Safety on a proposal to contract with an outside organization to remove the mold and salvage materials. The current plan is for this to go out to bid in December, with work beginning during winter break and completion forecasted during the spring semester. Our overall goal remains to address these structural and environmental issues to resolve this problem fully.
While this remains a frustrating situation for many in our community, I am grateful for the efforts of the above-named campus colleagues, and for the patience of all our Library patrons, as we work to resolve the issue.
Kristy Lee
Interim Dean, Sojourner Truth Library