March 4, 2021 | 20 Adar 5781
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NEWS & VIEWS Listening Issue
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"Speaking Torah" Podcast Season Two
Hebrew College's "Speaking Torah" podcast features writers and readers thinking creatively about how Torah is relevant in today’s world. Episodes tackle transgender identity, poetry, challenges of translation, food and culture, and how text can inform everyday Jewish living.
Hebrew College writers are paired with leaders in their fields—such as another poet, another Hasidism expert, or another member of the LGBTQ+ community—who comment on their essays. Season 2 features Hebrew College rabbis Arthur Green and Nehemia Polen; Jewish Women’s Archive CEO Judith Rosenbaum and Hebrew College Board member Lydia Kukoff; and Anne Germanacos (above right) and Rabbi Mónica Gomery `17 (above left).
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Hebrew College Musical Rabbis Collaborate
Hashkiveinu is a new album from alumni Rabbi David Fainsilber `14 of Stowe, Rabbi Arielle Lekach-Rosenberg `17 of Minneapolis, and Rabbi Micah Shapiro `17 of Philadelphia.
"I’m so grateful for all of you, and for the music and Torah you are bringing into the world," says Hebrew College President Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld.
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Hebrew College Cantors Release New Albums
Hebrew College cantorial classmates Risa Wallach`15 and Becky Wexler Khitrik`15 both launched albums during the pandemic. Becky's album, Rooted Lullaby, is a collection of lullabies in Yiddish, Hebrew, and English. Risa produced For the People Recording Project, featuring liturgical music, Yiddish songs, folk music, and songs about social justice, including Siyyum Niggun and a Klezmer-style setting of Lecha Dodi by Hebrew College's Cantor Dr. Brian Mayer.
"Making music during the pandemic is a gift our cantorial alumnae are sharing with their communities and beyond," says Cantor Lynn Torgove, director of Hebrew College's cantorial program.
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Hebrew College Partners on Interreligious Podcast
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B’Motzaei Shabbat with Cantor Lynn Torgove
Cantor Lynn Torgove`12, director of Hebrew College's cantorial program, performed B’Motzaei Shabbat (The Departing of Shabbat), as part of "Kristallnacht: Shining Through Broken Glass," commemorating the 70th anniversary of Kristallnach.
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Patience, Panic, and Pandemic Fatigue
Purim Lano. Pesach a la mano. “Purim has passed, Pesach is at hand,” goes the first line of a well-known Ladino song, written by Flory Jagoda. This year, as Purim has come and gone, and Pesach is just under a month away, the familiar twin feelings of joy in the holidays and anxiety at the work it will take to prepare for them, come with a unique new addition.
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Honoring visionaries, pioneers, and community builders Beverly Bavly — Nancy Kaplan Belsky — Susan Schechter Myra Snyder — Diane Troderman
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Against the Hounds of Hell: The Life of Howard Thurman Sponsors: Hebrew College; BU School of Theology; BU Howard Thurman Center March 8 | 7 p.m. Learn more
Alone & Together: A community reflection on our shared journey through COVID...and beyond Presented by Jewish Family & Children's Service in partnership with CJP, Brezniak Funeral Directors, Hebrew College, Massachusetts Board of Rabbis, and Temple Ohabei Shalom March 13| 7-7:30 p.m. HebrewCollege.edu/OneYear (Link will be live the evening of the event)
Pesach: The Sweet, the Sour, and the Unexpected with Danny Mesang Sponsors: Hebrew College and Metrowest communities March 14 | 4 p.m. Learn more
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Visit our Giving Page to send tributes, recognize yahrzeits, and support Hebrew College.
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