CTE Weekly - March 28, 2023
CTE Weekly - March 28, 2023
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CTE Weekly

March 28, 2023
Hi Friend of the CTE, 
In this issue of the Weekly, sign up for a midcourse or technology solutions consultation, register for a seminar, read useful articles, and learn about opportunities from our partners.

Upcoming Seminars

Research as Instruction (Part 3): Early Exposure to Undergraduate Research: The First Year Research Experience (FYRE)
Register Now for Wednesday, March 29, 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
A Conversation Around Engaged Teaching: Moving Beyond the Classroom Into Situational Learning
*Zoom only
Register Now for Thursday, April 6, 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Research as Instruction (Part 4): How Can Access to, and Visibility of, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Be Improved?

Register Now for Thursday, April 11, 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

News and Information

Have You Scheduled a Midcourse Evaluation Consultation Yet?
It’s week 9 of the semester. Don’t miss your chance to get personalized support from a CTE Faculty Teaching Associate for interpreting and acting on student midcourse feedback to improve your teaching and your students’ learning.
Schedule a Midcourse Consultation
Customized Faculty Development
Are you facing any post-Spring Break teaching challenges? Get personal solutions to meet your needs by consulting with our CTE Faculty Teaching Associates. It’s easy! Click the link, we’ll get it scheduled, and your consultant will be ready to support you.
Schedule a Tech. Solutions Consultation
Inspire Your Students to Succeed
In this Faculty Focus podcast, learn how the research on Growth Mindset can provide the keys to helping students persevere and finish the semester strong.
Developing Students’ Questioning Skills
Learn more about how to use case studies to support student skill development in research, writing, peer review, intercultural competencies, problem solving, and/or critical thinking in this Faculty Focus article.

Opportunities From Our Partners

Friday, Mar. 31, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Marcum
Alignment and Mapping

March 31, 11 a.m. via Zoom

How can streamlined alignment and mapping techniques create compelling, seamless student learning experiences? View outcomes through a new lens. In this webinar, Miami Online learning designers will share actionable strategies, practical tools, and real-world examples that guide the development of course- and module-level outcomes.

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