Congratulations, Ivan Allen College Graduates! |
This weekend marks a significant transition for more than 100 bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. students at the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts. We are proud to celebrate the culmination of their hard work at the Fall 2024 Commencement Ceremony and wish them well on the next step of their journeys. Check out just a few of their remarkable stories on the Ivan Allen College Fall Class of 2024 page!
| Engineering Student Named Among Top Army ROTC Cadets Nationally |
Civil Engineering student and ROTC cadet Mason Ladd will graduate with the distinction of being ranked one of the top cadets among the approximately 5,000 new officers joining the U.S. Army this year.
| 'History Nerd' Returns to Georgia Tech for Degree 40 Years After First Try |
Arnie Garrett returned to Georgia Tech after retirement — and 40 years after a disastrous first try at his degree. He will receive his Bachelor of Science in History, Technology, and Science this weekend.
| Improvements to Chilled Water System Planned for Winter Break |
Beginning Saturday, Dec. 14 after Commencement, a planned outage for the campus chilled water distribution system will allow the current resiliency improvement project to test installations and continue with upgrades.
Full details are available on the Infrastructure and Sustainability Chilled Water Distribution System Resiliency Project page.
| Decanally Speaking: Building Bridges |
Interim Dean Richard Utz represented the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts at Times Higher Education's inaugural Liberal Arts Summit, held this year at Vanderbilt University. Read the latest installment of Decanally Speaking to learn more.
Margaret E. Kosal (International Affairs) was selected for a U.N. experts’ group developing recommendations on best practices in chemical security legislation to reduce the threat of the chemical terrorism and proliferation. The group met in October at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Center for Chemistry and Technology. OPCW is the implementing body for the Chemical Weapons Convention.
Cici McNamara (Economics) received the Jim Pope Fellowship, which is awarded by the CREATE-X program to support faculty based on proposals centered around fostering an entrepreneurial spirit in students. Cici’s proposal was based around her VIP titled “Healthcare Consolidation Project.”
Scott Caddy (Literature, Media, and Communication) presented a lightning talk titled "'The Gold Bug' as Red Herring in The Fall of the House of Usher (2023)" at the 10th annual Georgia Tech Postdoctoral Symposium in November.
Valerie Thomas, Public Policy
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer
Saturday, Dec. 14, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Exhibition Hall, Midtown Rooms
Join us as we celebrate Ivan Allen College master's graduates. The day begins with the Institute-wide master’s ceremony at 9 a.m. in Bobby Dodd Stadium, followed by the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts Master’s Commencement Ceremony at 11:30 a.m. A reception for graduates and guests will follow the ceremony at 12:30 p.m.
| Dec. 12 – 14, 2024
McCamish Pavilion
Georgia Tech's Fall 2024 Commencement ceremonies will be held at McCamish Pavilion from Thursday, Dec. 12 through Saturday, Dec. 14. All ceremonies will be live streamed and will also be available for viewing after the event.
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