Spring peepers singing their love choruses in the evenings. —Gail R.
Orange blossoms. The delicate white petals peeking out from the dark green leaves on a foggy morning. The aroma of an orange blossom is so amazing and my favorite smell in the world. —Alice W.
Early in March I walk out to a patch of garden and look for asparagus spears making their way through the earth. I can also see budding pussy willows along the driveway. —Jean D.
I love the bright red of the swamp maples that show up against the gray of the winter forest. —Charlotte L.
When the tulip trees start to bloom. It may still be cold, but the end is finally in sight! —Cassandra S.
When my honey bees literally are all abuzz. I see them zipping in and out of their hive as soon as the sun hits their “front door step,” and they don’t slow down until dusk. —Lindsay P.
First speckled trout of the season and first Astros game. —Ken F.
When the terns, black skimmers, willets, and many more return to the sanctuary at the south end of Wrightsville Beach to nest, look for mates, and raise and fiercely protect their young. I know this because it’s not unusual for them to dive-bomb my messy bun on my beach walks in the morning. —Kim R.
When the sandhill cranes fly in a V formation overhead, northbound from their winter layover in the rice fields of South Texas. Their distinctive “chortle” is unlike any other in the avian universe. —Lindy S.
Japanese magnolias and daffodils blooming in Mississippi. —Dawn F.
Yellow being the color of spring, our forsythia is about spent, but the pollen is in the wings, doing push-ups. —Jere B.