Dear Denisonian‚
I am very proud to be a Denison graduate. During my time at Denison and springboarding from my undergraduate studies, I had the amazing opportunity to expand and deepen my learning. I have now had many professional opportunities, including Merrill Lynch, the Association of American Medical Colleges, and Harvard University. I currently serve as a senior vice president, reporting to the President of NYU, the most global and largest private university in the United States with campuses in Shanghai and Abu Dhabi. My work focuses on innovation and inclusion. I am fortunate to travel and have been to more countries than I count. On my journeys, I learn from other nations, cultures, and peoples; and through all this, my professional and volunteer endeavors continue to be significantly informed by my Denison experiences.
My liberal arts education at Denison offered me the chance to investigate and explore all kinds of disciplines and fields, including the overlaps between science, technology, art, and the social sciences. As a result, I gained the agility, nimbleness, and ability to do meaningful and impactful research. I also had the chance to participate in internships, volunteer, and engage in on- and off-campus opportunities, including serving as an RA, HR, and campus organization leader. Through these experiences, I honed my collaboration, partnership, and leadership skills.
This early work with diverse communities across Denison, in Columbus, and beyond allowed me to cultivate the necessary competencies that would serve me well in my graduate studies — from my multiple master’s degrees to my Ph.D. — and my professional and volunteer endeavors.
Consequently, I have excelled as a leader. I am better able to partner and collaborate with organizations, boards, and C-suite leaders across sectors to make deep, sustainable, transformational, and innovative organizational change for diverse global communities today and tomorrow.
Thank you Denison faculty, administrators, and peers, for all you taught me — and continue to teach me.
Lisa Coleman, Ph.D. ’88
Alumni-Nominated Trustee