Rosh Hodesh Tishrei | ראש חודש תשרי
Blessing for the Month of Tishrei
By Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld President, Hebrew College
In a few days, we will stand and hear the call of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah and recite these words, Hayom harat olam, often translated as “Today the world is born.” As the cry of the shofar reverberates in the room, we are asked to imagine a time when the world was utterly new and unspoiled, untouched by the debris of human history, we are asked to clear away the debris of disappointment in our own lives and to risk, on this day, in this moment, the possibility of such vast possibility.
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Taking Hold of the Shofar: Dreams of Past & Future
By Rabbi Or Rose
Director, Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership of Hebrew College
Ever since childhood, I have been fascinated by the ritual of the sounding of the shofar (ram’s horn) during the High Holiday season, particularly the shofar service on Rosh Hashanah.
While I could not articulate this as a boy, I was, and continue to be, intrigued by the use of this ancient, natural, and rather simple instrument in the context of modern, carefully crafted, and complex High Holiday services.
To this day, I can visualize my father and my brother standing side-by-side, both with their heads covered by their tallitot (prayer shawls), leading our community through this evocative experience.
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Serving Communities from Brazil to Brookline
This High Holiday season, Hebrew College alumni, faculty, and students are serving communities all over the country and world. “The diversity of places where our alumni are serving speaks to the ongoing vitality of our mission to train rabbis and cantors from across the spectrum of observance and denominations,” said Rabbi Dan Judson, Hebrew College Dean and Chief Academic Officer.
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Jewish tradition teaches that as we walk the winding path of teshuvah (return and renewal) during the High Holiday season, it is wise to do so with fellow seekers. To help guide your steps, the faculty, alumni, and students of Hebrew College created a High Holiday Companion—a collection of reflections on the prayers, scriptural readings, and sacred practices of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We hope this booklet will help illuminate the way into the High Holiday liturgy and these sacred days of return and renewal.
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