Rosh Hodesh Elul | ראש חודש אלול
A Rosh Hodesh Elul Message from Dean Rabbi Justin David
I have joined in the chorus of countless rabbis over the decades who have said, “Judaism takes work. The rewards of religious life come through ongoing learning, practice, and commitment. An expansive spiritual consciousness doesn’t form quickly or easily, but emerges gradually over time, and then perhaps only in glimpses.”
Mostly, I have found this line of thinking to be true. But then I notice how each year Rosh Hodesh Elul descends on me and brings me into a deeper, and more spacious spiritual landscape. I can’t account for why this happens. I do nothing extraordinary in my ritual or spiritual practice. True, Rosh Hodesh Elul for rabbis means a rush of intense preparation for the Chagim, but I began to treasure Elul long before I became a rabbi, in the years even before rabbinical school.
Rabbi Justin David joined Hebrew College on July 1 as the new Dean of the Rabbinical School.
Examining the Judges in Our Souls
Parashat Shoftim (Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9)
So often, experiences, ideas, and stories approach us, seeking to settle in our hearts and become a part of us. Some of those ideas are certainly wrong or dangerous and deserve the rough hand of a guard and the harsh decree of our inner judge. But many of them contain more truth than is easy to admit. Many of them are pointing us towards living with more integrity, towards enacting more righteousness in the world, but are met with a harsh judge—one who comes to the case with the decision already made, the response already formulated, the talking points already drafted.
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Register for "A Taste of Hebrew College Adult Learning"
September 19 | 7:30-8:40 p.m. | Online
Join us for a special evening of adult learning where you will have the opportunity to sample Hebrew College Open Circle Jewish Learning, Me’ah Classic, and Me’ah Select classes.
Whether you are new to adult learning at Hebrew College or returning this semester, we invite you to experience our robust programs and find the kind of course that’s right for you. We offer a range of experiences that meet the interests and needs of our diverse learners.
We will start together as a learning community, and then will have two chances to choose from four sample lessons with Dr. Jacob Meskin, Rabbi Benji Samuels PhD, Laila Goodman, and Elliot Lazar.
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Kavanah for Rosh Hodesh Elul
The month of Elul evokes a sense of anticipation that Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the awe-filled Yamim Noraim are coming. For some, this time generates anxiety—for the ways in which we may feel that we have fallen short as we take account of the year that is ending...This year, I invite you to join me in imagining the Divine this Elul as eager and receptive, patient and understanding that none of us is static—and all of us have the potential for change.
Watch Deborah Anstandig's full teaching...
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