The lobby of a busy building on campus is getting some attention.
The lobby of a busy building on campus is getting some attention.
NDWorks Weekly
Campus news for faculty and staff
University of Notre Dame

Introducing NDWorks Weekly

NDWorks, the way you want it

Faculty and staff asked NDWorks to go digital and print less often.* As a result, NDWorks Weekly will be delivered to you on Tuesdays. It includes several University announcements to reduce the frequency of individual mass emails. There are employee profiles here too, since you like reading about your co-workers. NDWorks is still printed, but six times a year instead of 11. We print to reach colleagues whose jobs are not at desks. The summer print issue will arrive on campus this week. Click for the PDF.
*Sources: ImproveND and ND Innovates

Update on construction projects

Wondering about the timelines for the new Irish Athletics Facility, McKenna Hall and Phase 2 of the Eddy Street Commons? Facilities Design and Operations is completing and starting numerous projects this summer. (Click for more...)

Grace Hall lobby facelift

The lobby of one of the busiest and most populated administrative office buildings on campus is getting some attention. Renovations have begun on the first floor of Grace Hall. Work will include fully renovated bathrooms. (Click for more...)

International soccer in football stadium is his 'normal' 

Holding unexpected events in a famous football stadium is nothing new to Lee Sicinski, associate vice president of event management. He saw several international soccer games come to Soldier Field when he worked there. (Click for more...)

Psyched for soccer 

Growing up in Honduras where soccer is "huge," Rigo Flores, a building services supervisor, is pumped about Liverpool vs. Borussia Dortmund. The event brings his favorite sport to what's become a favorite place: Notre Dame. He's taking time off from the night shift to attend with his family. (Click for more...)

Introducing OZZI containers 

Campus Dining is rolling out a reusable container program to help reduce the University’s landfill waste. OZZI debuts at Café de Grasta and Decio Café this week. (Click for more...)

Delivered directly to you

Beginning this week, carriers like UPS and FedEx will deliver small packages directly to campus departments rather than going through Central Receiving. (Click for more...)
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