A November sunset in Brewster, MA. Photo credit: Elyse Nelson Winger
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A Reflection from the University Chaplaincy
Dear Tufts community,
As I soaked in Sunday's changing light on the Brewster tidal flats, I was captivated by the sand ripples. Emerging or disappearing, hiding and revealing, these waves of grain are part of an ecosystem that has thrived here for eighteen-thousand years. On this particular afternoon, the beach belonged to the gulls and a lone clam digger, each unearthing its protein-rich gifts. There is comfort to be found in the constancy of the tides, the sureness of the seashore.
As I pondered this place, I thought of a poem by William Stafford entitled "The Way It Is." In it, he evokes an unchanging thread, guiding us through the contingencies of life. I don't know what the thread exactly is for the poet, but I do think that Stafford is inviting us to name our own. As we enter a week of profound consequence as elections take place and as the intellectual and creative demands of classes, teaching, and community life continue, I wonder: what's a thread you follow? Who centers and calms you? What callings or convictions guide you? May we take time, at sunset or break of day, in between classes or at meals with friends, to remember these threads and to never let them go.
"The Way It Is" by William Stafford
There’s a thread you follow. It goes among
things that change. But it doesn’t change.
People wonder about what you are pursuing.
You have to explain about the thread.
But it is hard for others to see.
While you hold it you can’t get lost.
Tragedies happen; people get hurt
or die; and you suffer and get old.
Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding.
You don’t ever let go of the thread.
Source: Stafford, W., & Stafford, K. R. (2014). Ask me: 100 essential poems. Graywolf Press.
Pax et Lux,
Elyse Nelson Winger
University Chaplain
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Ponder & Pause: A Time to Reflect During Election Week
Tuesday, November 5th from 9 AM to 9 PM and Wednesday, November 6th from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM at Goddard Chapel
All are welcome to spend some time at Goddard Chapel to engage in multifaith spiritual practices that help us recenter, express gratitude, reflect on our lives, and care for others. Come and light a candle, write on our peace wall, walk the labyrinth, participate in a self-guided meditation, create a prayer bead bracelet, or write a card to someone you love (and we’ll mail it for you!). Chaplains will be present on Tuesday from 5pm to 9pm and on Wednesday from Noon to 5pm.
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First Year Field Trip Series visit to Gurdwara Sahib
Sunday, November 17th from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Join the University Chaplaincy and members of the Interfaith Ambassador Team for an enriching visit to Gurdwara Sahib, governed by the New England Sikh Study Circle. Langar, a community meal, will be offered and we will learn about the Sikh community's traditions and join them during this special weekend as Sikhs around the world celebrate the birth of their founder, Guru Nanak. We will leave the Campus Center at 9:30am and travel to the Gurwara in Westborough via Lyft. Bagels will be provided beginning at 9:15am! Register no later than Friday, November 15th here. Please contact University Chaplain Elyse Nelson Winger with questions or for more information.
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Save the Date for Pax et Lux: A Multifaith Winter Celebration
Wednesday, December 4th from 6 PM to 7:30 PM at Goddard Chapel
The University Chaplaincy and Interfaith Ambassadors invite you to Pax et Lux! Translated from Latin, Pax et Lux means peace and light, and is a winter celebration honoring the multicultural and multifaith traditions of the Tufts community. We warmly welcome you for an evening of performances and stories from a variety of Tufts student organizations in the spirit of ushering in peace and light. This will be followed by a catered dinner with a DJ. Contact chaplaincy@tufts.edu with any questions.
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CVS 151-05: Religious Diversity, Interfaith Engagement, and Campus Life
A new course for Spring 2025, Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30 PM to 5:45 PM
Curious about how religion shapes university and civic life? This Spring 2025 course, offered through Tisch College for Civic Life, delves into the history and complexities of religious diversity on university campuses and its impact on community life. This course also takes you beyond the classroom. Through real-world case studies, site visits around Boston, and insights from guest speakers, you’ll critically assess the role of interfaith activism in tackling issues like climate justice and combating religious bias. There are no pre-requisites for this course. For more information, please contact University Chaplain Elyse Nelson Winger.
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A Fall Carillon Concert
Friday, November 8th at 5 PM at Goddard Chapel
All are welcome for a festive Fall concert to hear students play the Goddard Chapel carillon bells. Refreshments will be provided. Please contact chaplaincymusic@tufts.edu with any questions.
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Religious and Philosophical Events and Gatherings
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Our events and weekly gatherings are open to everyone in the Tufts community. You can find a calendar and descriptions of our regular events on our website. If you have an idea for a gathering or event, please contact the University Chaplaincy.
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Training for Happiness: sīla-samādhi-pañña. Be Kind, Aware, and Wise
Wednesday, November 6th from 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM at Goddard Chapel
The Tufts Buddhist Mindfulness Sangha invites you for an evening with mindfulness teacher and psychologist Yenkuei Chuang as they explore the practice and cultivation of happiness. For more information, email TBMS leaders at tuftssangha@gmail.com.
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Daily Flame Hallelujah Worship Night
Friday, November 8th at 6:00 PM in Barnum LL08
Daily Flame, a non-denominational Christian student organization supported by the University Chaplaincy, is hosting a Hallelujah Worship Night on Friday, November 8th. All are welcome! For more information, please contact student leaders Tolulope Adewumi and Jocasta Jackson at tuftsdailyflame@gmail.com.
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Inner Compass: Navigating Success through Self, Aspirations, and Values
Tuesday, November 12th from 12 PM to 1:15 PM at the Interfaith Center, 58 Winthrop St.
Are you an international graduate student looking to align your academic journey with your personal aspirations and values? Join us for Inner Compass, an enriching event hosted collaboratively by the StAAR Center and the Humanist Chaplaincy. This interactive workshop is designed to help you reflect on what success means to you, explore your strengths and core values, and connect with fellow international graduate students on similar journeys. Scan the QR code on the graphic or click here to register. Please email Humanist Chaplain Anthony Cruz Pantojas with questions or for more information.
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Queerness and Faith Dinner
Thursday, November 14th at 7:00 PM at the Interfaith Center, 58 Winthrop St., Medford
Hosted by the COFFEE Student Interfaith Coalition, JQUEST, and True Colors, join us for dinner and conversation about queerness and faith on Thursday, November 14 from 7:00 to 8:30pm in the Interfaith Center (58 Winthrop). Folks of all religious, non-religious, spiritual, and philosophical backgrounds are welcome to join. The meal will be catered by Sugar and Spice! Sponsored by the University Chaplaincy and the LGBT Center.
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Partner and Community Programs
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Election Night Extravaganza
Tuesday, November 5th from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM at the Joyce Cumming Center
Join an election night takeover of the Joyce Cummings Center and celebrate the democratic process with your friends! Gather as a community to watch early election results come in on big screens*, enjoy food, games, trivia, a photo booth and other fun activities, join optional political discussions, take advantage of de-stress zones, and more. No matter how you plan on commemorating this election, the JCC is your one-stop-shop for experiencing election night together as a Tufts community. All are welcome! Drop in for a short time or stay for the duration.
This event is sponsored by Tisch College, the Dean of Students Office, the Office for Campus Life, the Experimental College, the Arts & Sciences Toupin-Bolwell Fund, Office of Residential Life & Learning, the Tufts Republicans, the Tufts Democrats, the Tufts Federalist Society, JumboVote and the TCU Senate.
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Sufi utterances for peace: Qawwali Mehfil performed by Ghayoor-Moiz-Mustafa Qawwal & Brothers
Wednesday, November 6th at 6:30 PM in Distler Performance Hall, Granoff Music Center
Qawwali is a form of Sufi devotional voice and instrumental performance, originating in South Asia. Each performance is unique as these classically trained vocalists, who are amongst the most exciting contemporary practitioners, interweave verse-chorus sequences that are rich in poetic and spiritual symbolism in Urdu, Farsi, Hindi, Poorvi, Arabic, Punjabi.
Event co-sponsored by: the Harvard University History Department, Tufts Center for South Asia and Indian Ocean Studies (CSAIOS), Departments of Music; Religion; Race Colonialism & Diaspora (RCD); English; & Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies (TDPS), The Toupin Bolwell Fund, Center for the Humanities at Tufts (CHAT), The University Chaplaincy, Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life, Office of Institutional Inclusive Excellence & The Graduate Student Council.
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Support the University Chaplaincy
Supporting programs at Tufts University in religious, spiritual, ethical, and cultural life is easy and vital to our work. To donate, please click on the button below. Thank you for your generosity.
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The University Chaplaincy is a dynamic hub supporting religious, spiritual, ethical, and cultural life for all members of the Tufts community. We provide spiritual care, support religious and philosophical communities, educate about spiritual and ethical issues in society and the world, and promote multifaith engagement.