Did you know there is an app for that?
Did you know there is an app for that?
                                                                                                           October 18, 2017 
Kids! Make plans to join us for Fall Fun Night
Right after dinner, there will be plenty of games, treats and activities for children through 3rd grade set up in The Garden. Wear your costume and please bring your own container for collecting treats! (Parents not attending a small group tonight are encouraged to come have fun with your child!)


Tonight's Dinner at 5:30 pm: Lemon chicken, macaroni and cheese, green beans, salad, fruit, dessert, tea.
Kid's Option:
Pizza, dessert, and Capri Sun
$7 for adults, $4 for children with a $23 family maximum.
Pay with cash, check, debit or credit card.
Please stay after dinner tonight for classes that begin at 6:15 pm. Adults are studying Paul's letter to the Philippians, and it's Fall Fun Night for kids! (Youth, we can use your help tonight!) In addition, each Wednesday is an opportunity to work on Bunk Beds with Bill Flynn.
Giving to Parkway Hills United Methodist Church is now as convenient as ordering a book or buying tickets to a football game online with our new, free e-giving mobile app, Give+ Church.
With the smartphone in your pocket or the tablet in hand, you can make secure, convenient one-time or recurring donations to the general operating budget or to one or more of the church’s ministries.
After downloading Give+ from the App Store, giving is as easy as 1-2-3:
  1. Search Give+ for PHUMC using “Parkway Hills” or “39110” and select the church.
  2. Select a fund(s) and the amount(s) you want to donate and enter your credit/debit card or bank account information.
  3. Submit your donation.
You may choose to donate as a guest or create an account so you can easily log in with your email address to make additional donations, set up or manage recurring donations, and review your Give+ donation history.
Give+ helps you manage and grow your giving to PHUMC, which in turn helps to grow the service and outreach of our church. Try it today!
For more information, check out the helpful How it Works Guide or refer to these Frequently Asked Questions for Donors.
We are Parkway Hills - This Sunday, we look at our second core value: GROW.  How do we strive to grow our faith? Learn about some small groups already meeting at PHUMC that can help you step more fully into your call as a disciple... or perhaps you'll hear the call to start a new one!
 "Women Speak of God"
Monday, October 23rd
Join us for a small group study 
at 6 pm in Pastor Dawn's home.
Prepare for Monday's meeting by reading the chapter on "Susanna Wesley" found HERE.
Theology on Tap meets at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, October 24th, (and the 4th Tuesday of every month), at Ronnie Musgrove's home. This Tuesday, share the tap with Rabbi Matt Dreffin to discuss various aspects of Judaism. Rabbi Dreffin is a wonderful "Interfaith Ambassador" who is constantly educating himself and others on matters of faith, culture and tradition. You can read some of his thought-provoking and thoroughly engaging articles on the experience of being Southern and Jewish HERE.
Sunday Worship Services
October 22, 2017
Acolyte for 8:30 Service
Neely Moak
Acolytes for 10:45 Service
Emily Kay Kirk, Lexi Williams
Extended Session
Trey and Renay Camp
Greeters for 8:30 Service
Bobby and April Stephenson
Greeters for 10:45 Service
Greg and Nicole Shows
Vivan Anding, Rick Kolar, Tommy Murphy, Tom Stewart, Jeff Allen, Steve Beagles,
Cari Brown
, Brad Norris,
Charles Guess

Offering Counters
Tony Haines, Megan Mawhorter

His Kitchen has this week's order form ready! Place your order now, and pick up your items on Monday, the 23rd between 4:00 and 6:00 pm.

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Many thanks to all of Sunday's readers who helped us explore what it means to WELCOME. Remember, we have homework this week! If you missed Sunday's handout, 50 Ways to Welcome New People, you can see it HERE. Pray about ways you might welcome others better both in and out of church!
October 15, 2017
 SS- 102
8:30 am- 65  10:45 am- 117
January-September 2017
Income: $624,328.61
Expenses: $643,396.70
We still have some Coffee Beans!
Email the office to reserve your bags: $10 for 10 ounces, or $15 for a full pound. We can accept cash or checks in the office, or you can pay for yours online.
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