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Introducing our new Coordinator!
This past fall Skylor chose to step down from leadership in the YoungLives ministry. We are thankful for the work she did and the way God used her while she was Coordinator, but now God has brought in someone new: Nicole Craig. Nicole lives and worships in our local community with her husband and family, and we are excited to see what God will do through her! Here are her own words of introduction: "As a child of the Most High God, I'm an artistic creator of beautiful things, such as greeting cards, scrapbook albums and gourmet meals.  In my role at YL, I'm looking forward to creating beautiful relationships, teams, mentorships and paths to growing the ministry.  In addition to my devoted husband and loving children, the Lord has given me a heart for the unborn and teen parents. I joyfully exercised this calling as the Director at my local pregnancy center, volunteer trainer at a newly opened pregnancy center and founder of my church's ministry to pregnant young ladies.  I'm looking forward to the Holy Spirit strategically using me in  His plan for YL.  It is a honor and blessing to join the team!"
Please help support the work of YoungLives!
You can use the above link, or send your check made out to YoungLIves to:: 501 Jefferson Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15235
Thank you!

Our girls and their kids

were treated to a generous donation of Christmas gifts and diapers and other needs, thanks to the annual Angel Tree gift drive at Trinity Tower UMC in Penn Hills. 

Please pray for

Our young moms: Sandrine, Janaya, Kaniyah, Icyss, Tania, Rebecca, Savannah, Jania, Stacia, Anita, and others
Our team: Nicole, Teresa, Jenn, Lori, Heather,and others
Our many volunteers
Our finances

Dinner at our January Club

was provided by a team of terrific cooks from Christ Church at Grove Farm, who brought their delicious food all the way from Sewickley. The girls were happy to take a LOT of food home!

Thank you for your support!

Pittsburgh East Hills | 501 Jefferson Rd | Pittsburgh, PA  15235-3726
412 273 0396 |

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