To Search for Cures and Better Treatments for NETs.
To Search for Cures and Better Treatments for NETs.


November 11, 2019

Dear Friend, 
As we reflect back on 2019, we see many of the faces of the NET community. The patients we talk to on the phone when they are newly diagnosed and do not know where to turn. The people we support today and the people we have lost in the past year.

These are the people who motivate us to invest in NET research that will lead to improved treatments and ultimately a cure. We are also grateful for the patients and families who turn the uncertainty of this disease into a positive force for change by increasing awareness and raising funds for research. 

All NET patients and families light the way for us. It’s personal for us. We know it is personal for you too. 

It’s your turn to help NETRF light the way. NETRF is now making funding decisions for our next round of research grants. We want to fund as many promising and innovative research projects as possible so there are more avenues to cures and better treatments. Research is the key to understanding neuroendocrine cancer and finding ways to stop it.   
We can Spark Hope with your gift.  Your gift will be matched in our $10 million Spark Hope campaign. A generous matching gift from the Margie & Robert E. Petersen Foundation will match your donation, dollar for dollar. We’ve made good progress toward our ambitious goal, with more than $6 million raised.  

Please help us go farther and faster to fund NET research. If you have supported NETRF in the past, we hope you will renew your gift.  If you are new to NETRF and the NET community, please join the cause. Make your 2019 gift today and LIGHT THE WAY for the NET patients and caregivers in our lives.  

Thank you for your support of our mission.

Elyse Gellerman
NETRF Chief Executive Officer 

Have questions about your gift?

Contact Susan Payson, NETRF Chief Development Officer at 617-946-1782 or 
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NET Research Foundation
321 Columbus Avenue, Suite 5R
Boston, MA 02116

(617) 946-1780 |

The mission of the Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation is to fund research to discover cures and more effective treatments for carcinoid, pancreatic, and related neuroendocrine cancers.

NETRF is a 501(c)(3) organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. To learn more,
view our Audited Financial Statements and IRS Form 990.

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