September 2019
Newsletter of the Kensington Heights Civic Association
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KHCA is a non-partisan neighborhood organization dedicated to representing the interests of all homeowners and residents of the Kensington Heights neighborhood in maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in our community

>> KHCA General Meeting - Saturday, September 21, 2-4 pm
Time: Saturday, Sept. 21, 2019; 2- 4 pm. Sept. 22nd rain date
Place: 10903 Drumm Ave. -- but enter at the end of Burtonhill Drive off of Coronado Place
Topic: Creating Your Own Urban Oasis -- Yes in My Back Yard!

Are you tired of worrying about urban growth and density and sprawl? Tired of talking about politics?
Ever wondered where Danila Sheveiko, our Immediate Past President, has been keeping himself over the last year or so now that Costco is over? Our fall program is the answer to all of those questions.

Danila has been busy restoring a former commercial azalea nursery that was tucked away behind the houses on Drumm, McComas, Peregoy, and Burtonhill. (Check out Google Maps and you'll see what we mean -- magically, there is an enclave of well over an acre of undeveloped land in the heart of KHCA. For many years, it was a thriving botanical garden and commercial nursery. But after it's owner's death, it spent a decade in estate limbo, while gradually turning into a jungle of invasive species and rusting metal.  

Danila snatched it away from the jaws of developers, and after four years of hard work by family and friends, it's well on its way to restoration. Invasives are on the run, biodiversity is on the rise with more than 300 species represented, and Danila is busy creating a functioning urban farm.  

So, the last undeveloped parcel in Kensington Heights is ready to receive visitors as the site of KHCA's fall general meeting. Come learn about ecosystem restoration, sustainable gardening & landscaping, beekeeping, mushrooms, integrated environmental gardening, and much more. We'll also have speakers from the County to discuss their Rainscapes and  TreeMontgomery. Rainscapes provides subsidies if you adopt sustainable practices like installing rain barrels or creating a rain garden. TreeMontgomery provides free shade trees that the County will install for you to help restore and expand the urban tree canopy.  

Neighbors who have already used these programs will be joining us. So if you're a recent client of these programs, or you'd like to become one, or you'd just like to spend a Saturday afternoon talking about lovely landscapes, so you can get inspired for your fall and spring work in your yard -- please join us! 
>> Elections Coming Up - We Want YOU! 
Elections for KHCA officers are coming up this fall. The two-year term positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer
KHCA is also looking to bring in people to join or chair several committees including Land Use, Traffic and Safety, History, Communications, Environment and Beautification 
Some of these committees have existing chairs, and some don’t.   In several cases, the chair has been serving for some time and would like a chance to rotate off. For the association, bringing on new people helps us keep the leadership of KCHA growing and developing. 
The workload is reasonably manageable. We have an hour-long meeting on the third Wednesday of each month that Executive Committee (“Ex Com”) members are expected to attend. Submit short articles on occasion for our monthly newsletter about what they and their committee(s) are doing.  The other primary responsibility for committee members is to pay attention to what is going on in Kensington Heights and the surrounding area, including county projects and report back to the Ex Com.
So, have you lived here for a long time and think you have some great ideas to contribute? Moved in recently and looking to find a way to get more involved? Whatever your interest is – we need you – A LOT! 
We will be naming a formal nominating committee for the officer positions shortly.  So let us know soon if you are interested in any of those positions or getting involved in a committee. Don’t put it off – and don’t assume someone else will step up. Your Civic Association needs YOU (and we guarantee you’ll like your fellow active members). So, come join us now.
>> Annual Potluck Picnic - A Grand Time Was Had by All
KHCA’s annual potluck picnic was held August 17 at the Kensington Heights Park at the corner of McComas and St. Paul. The weather was perfect – not too cold, but not as broiling hot as it’s been a lot of days this summer. The picnic tables were located under several shaded trees and right next to the playground equipment, which helped to keep the event cool.  There were about 50 attendees, including several newcomers who we were happy to welcome to their KHCA get-together. 
Members of the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department brought over a firetruck and ambulance for the kids to explore inside and out. As they warned us, they got a call to help someone in the community, but not before they had a chance to share in all the excellent food supplied by KHCA and attendees. The group feasted on burgers, hot dogs, chicken wings provided by KHCA and the tons of great salads, veggies, and desserts brought by the attendees.  Below are a couple of candid shots. If you attended and took some pictures, we’d love to have you share them with us so that we can post them on the website.  
>> Support KHCA -- Pay Your Annual Dues  
To carry out our many activities, KHCA needs your support -- both through your volunteer efforts and also, your financial donations. All residents of Kensington Heights are members of KHCA, and all members are welcome to attend and speak at KHCA meetings. However, to be a voting member, KH residents are asked to pay annual dues of $10 per adult resident (18+ years) to a maximum of $30 per address. These monies are much appreciated and help to ensure that KHCA remains financially viable. Payment can be made online using the membership link at our website. Thank you!! 

>> Looking to Borrow an Inflatable Bounce House for Your Next Event?
KHCA wants to make our new bounce house available to any KHCA Community Member who would like to use it for a birthday party or block party or the like. Contact Karen Cordry at if you'd like to reserve it. To defray our expenses, we ask for a nominal donation of $40 per day (commercial bounce houses usually charge $200 or more).

How did KHCA end up with a bounce house you might ask? 

KHCA Ex Com looked at costs and decided we could buy a very usable bounce house for little more than what we have been paying to rent one each year for the picnic. Unfortunately, we were unable to use it this year due to complications with the generator needed to keep it inflated. As long as you're close to a house, you can plug into a regular socket and up it goes.  

The bounce house has been kid-tested at Karen's house already and the five little ones jumping around gave it ten big thumbs up!  
>>  Climate Emergency Declaration
Did you know that in December of 2017, the Montgomery County Council passed a resolution declaring a climate emergency?
The county resolved to:
  1. reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 80 percent by 2027
  2. 100 percent GHG reductions by 2035
Since then, the county issued a report on how to achieve these goals and funded a planning effort to meet the goals.
Visit our website for more information. 

>> Other Montgomery County News
Click here for latest Montgomery County Civic Federation Newsletter including several upcoming important projects and dates. 

President:                            Karen Cordry (Torrance Drive)
Vice President:                    Erl Houston (St. Paul Street)
Secretary:                            Ann Arevalo (Torrance Drive)
Treasurer:                            Jim Ryan (Brunswick Ave)
Immediate Past President:     Danila Sheveiko (Melvin Grove Court)
Beautification Chair                Jon Foreman (University Blvd)
Communications Chair           Shruti Bhatnagar (McComas Avenue)
Education Chair:                     Shruti Bhatnagar (McComas Avenue)
History Chair:                         Erl Houston (St. Paul Street)
Land Use Chair                      Derek Karchner (Torrance Drive)
Safety Chair:                          open
Traffic Chair:                           Andrew Fraser (McComas Avenue)
Newsletter:                             Holly Rogner (Drumm Avenue) 
Website:                                 Ricardo Gonzalez

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