>> KHCA General Meeting - Saturday, September 21, 2-4 pm
Time: Saturday, Sept. 21, 2019; 2- 4 pm. Sept. 22nd rain date
Place: 10903 Drumm Ave. -- but enter at the end of Burtonhill Drive off of Coronado Place.
Topic: Creating Your Own Urban Oasis -- Yes in My Back Yard!
Are you tired of worrying about urban growth and density and sprawl? Tired of talking about politics?
Ever wondered where Danila Sheveiko, our Immediate Past President, has been keeping himself over the last year or so now that Costco is over? Our fall program is the answer to all of those questions.
Danila has been busy restoring a former commercial azalea nursery that was tucked away behind the houses on Drumm, McComas, Peregoy, and Burtonhill. (Check out Google Maps and you'll see what we mean -- magically, there is an enclave of well over an acre of undeveloped land in the heart of KHCA. For many years, it was a thriving botanical garden and commercial nursery. But after it's owner's death, it spent a decade in estate limbo, while gradually turning into a jungle of invasive species and rusting metal.
Danila snatched it away from the jaws of developers, and after four years of hard work by family and friends, it's well on its way to restoration. Invasives are on the run, biodiversity is on the rise with more than 300 species represented, and Danila is busy creating a functioning urban farm.
So, the last undeveloped parcel in Kensington Heights is ready to receive visitors as the site of KHCA's fall general meeting. Come learn about ecosystem restoration, sustainable gardening & landscaping, beekeeping, mushrooms, integrated environmental gardening, and much more. We'll also have speakers from the County to discuss their Rainscapes and TreeMontgomery. Rainscapes provides subsidies if you adopt sustainable practices like installing rain barrels or creating a rain garden. TreeMontgomery provides free shade trees that the County will install for you to help restore and expand the urban tree canopy.
Neighbors who have already used these programs will be joining us. So if you're a recent client of these programs, or you'd like to become one, or you'd just like to spend a Saturday afternoon talking about lovely landscapes, so you can get inspired for your fall and spring work in your yard -- please join us!