Rosh Hodesh Tevet | ראש חודש טבת
Blessing for the Month of Tevet and Shabbat Chanukah
By Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld President, Hebrew College
As we move into the Hebrew month of Tevet, and into Shabbat Chanukah, we find ourselves deep in the Joseph story in our weekly Torah reading cycle. And, of course, to be deep in the Joseph story is to be deep in the world of dreams...
Strikingly, Joseph’s story rolls around and meets us at this time each year.
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Divine Light and Human Hands: A Mystical Teaching on Chanukah
By Rabbi Or. N. Rose Director, Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership of Hebrew College
“Blessed are You, YHWH our God, who performed miracles for our ancestors in days past, at this time.”
What does it mean to light the Chanukah candles?
One response that I have found intriguing over the years comes from the early Hasidic master, Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berditchev (d. 1809). The Berditchever (as he is affectionately called by his disciples and admirers) was part of the vanguard of Hasidism, the great spiritual revival movement that first swept through the Eastern European Jewish community in the late 18th century. . .
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In this fall's season of Hebrew College's Speaking Torah podcast, we focus on poetry, creative writing, and Torah—looking at women's voices, reflections on torah and prayer through writing, and more.
Episodes feature Hebrew College faculty and their students as well as music performed by Hebrew College cantorial alumni.
Each episode is 40 minutes or less, so we hope you will take some time this winter break to listen, rate, and share this podcast widely. Happy Listening!
Episode 15: "The Women are Waiting for Us to Speak" with Rabbis Genevieve Greinetz`22 and Jane Kanarek. Music: Cantor Dara Rosenblatt `18.
Episode 16: "Poetry as Midrash" with Rav Rachel Adelman and Hebrew College rabbinical student Risa Dunbar. Music: Cantor Kevin Margolius `13 and the Panorama Jazz Band.
Episode 17: "Writing as Spiritual Practice" with Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld and rabbinical students Emmanuel Cantor and Chaim Spaulding. Music: Cantor Kevin Margolius and the Panorama Jazz Band.
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