February 2, 2023 | 11 Shevat 5783
Reimagining Jewish learning and leadership for an interconnected world.
Parashat Beshalach | Candlelighting 4:43 PM EST
Tu b'Shvat: Kavanah in 60
On [Tu b'Shvat], we eat fruits with different combinations of soft and hard insides and outsides—we notice what comes easily at first but contains a difficult core, and what is hard to get into but soft and sweet at its center.
If Rosh Hashanah is our dramatic New Year, our spiritual fresh slate, Tu b'Shvat is our quiet New Year, when we recognize delayed reactions and long cycles of change. What rains, either nourishing or destructive, fell on you last year? And what slow growth might be happening underneath the surface for you now?
Hebrew College Adult Learning Courses Attract Diverse Collection of Learners
No matter how different our learners are, they are united by a profound curiosity and calling to learn about Jewish history, culture, and religion. “I am delighted to see the wide range of learners who have enrolled in our Adult Learning classes. The great breadth of our course offerings means that we can serve learners who are seeking different kinds of learning opportunities.” — Dr. Susie Tanchel, Hebrew College Vice President
View the New Course Catalog
“I’m an Artist and a Jew”: The Community and Creative Minds of the Artist Beit Midrash
In partnership with the Jewish Arts Collaborative (JArts) & Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston (CJP), Hebrew College launched the Artist Beit Midrash in 2021 as a place of Torah learning that fosters a love of community and equips learners with the tools for creative text study. The community includes writers, installation artists, sculptors, photographers, singers, theater directors, textile painters, memoirists, poets, potters, and more.
The 30 participants come together for monthly cohort sessions guided by Rabbi Shoshana Friedman`14 that include hevruta (partner) study of classical and contemporary texts, and group conversations about the creative process as a spiritual path.
Rabbi Shoshana Friedman holding a sculpture by Artist Beit Midrash member Allen Spivack. The hand is one of 54 individually cast hands for the sculpture "Tree of a Thousand Deaths: A Memorial to the Victims of Genocide."
If the continual legacy of Shmot is that we, “shall not wrong a stranger or oppress them, for we were strangers in the land of Egypt,” (Exodus 22:21), then Shirat HaYam is the deep, musical cry that expresses this. Shirat HaYam is the moment when the Israelites say, “We have been oppressed, and now we are free, and we will use that freedom for good.”
The gorier words of Shirat HaYam belie its fear-filled and loving undertones. It is not a song that conveys one thing, but a song of awe, hope, and vision...
We are pleased to share a new policy statement, entitled, “What We Ask of Ourselves and Each Other: Guiding Principles for Admission and Ordination at Hebrew College," that was recently approved by the faculty and Board of Trustees. In the context of developing this statement, we have decided that the religious affiliation of the partners of applicants and students will no longer be a barrier to consideration for admission to and ordination from Hebrew College. These guidelines are a positive articulation and affirmation of the shared values at the heart of our educational vision.
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Catch up on recent Hebrew College news and stories, including articles about faculty, students, and alumni who have been recognized for their work and scholarship. Read more...
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Kol Arev at International Choral and Arts Festival Join Hebrew College’s chamber choir Kol Arev and other local choirs on February 14 for an evening of healing through song.
February 14 | 7-8:30 p.m. | Boston University Marsh Chapel
Learn more & purchase tickets
A Celebration of Learning with Rabbi Toba Spitzer discussing God is Here Our Hebrew College community of learners will come together with Rabbi Toba Spitzer for a reading and conversation about her new book God Is Here: Reimagining the Divine.
February 27 | 7:30-9 p.m. | Hebrew College, Temple Reyim Sanctuary or Zoom
Learn more & RSVP
Dedication Concert Featuring Divahn, Led By Galeet Dardashti Dedication Concert for the Musicant Cohen Center for the Performing Arts at Ordis Hall on Hebrew College’s new shared campus, named in honor of Howard Cohen and Myra Musicant.
March 2 | 7:15-8:30 p.m. | Hebrew College, Musicant Cohen Performing Arts Center
Learn more & purchase tickets
Otzrot Concert: Musical Treasures of Hebrew College March 23 | 1-2 p.m. | Hebrew College
More details to come
SAVE THE DATE Hebrew College Spring Gala
Honoring Dan Miller and Andy Offit; Live music with Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer `14 May 4 | 6:30 p.m. | Hebrew College More details to come
Prozdor Virtual Reunion 2023 with Dr. Jonathan Sarna
Prozdor alumni, please join us for the second annual Prozdor Virtual Reunion on May 21, 2023. Shmooze with former classmates.
May 21 | 1-2 p.m. | Zoom
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