'24-25 dates to know
August 28: Pool Party at the Kisers, 6-8pm--We've graciously been invited for a night at the pool! Bring a towel and a snack to share.
September 4th: Wednesday Night Re:Treat starts back for the fall, 5:45pm--Join us for our first Wednesday night church-wide dinner and activities for the new semester.
September 22: United @ Galloway UMC--We'll head down to Galloway for a night of games, fellowship, and worship. This is a new effort to gather local teens more frequently than only major events like The Connection. Look for this to become a regular occurrence at a variety of local UMCs. Let Geoff know you're coming by September 17; past that point you're still welcome to come but you may end up responsible for your own transportation. The event runs from 5:30-7:30, so we'll need to meet at PHUMC at 5pm and return between 7:45 and 8pm. Dinner will be provided at Galloway, and we will need drivers for this event.
October 25: 5th Quarter Pancakes after Germantown @ Madison Central, 9:15-11:30--The city rivalry is happening across the street, so let's welcome lots of Madison and Germantown students to our place after! We'll need plenty of volunteers to make this a success. This is a great opportunity for students to invite their friends
October 27th: Trick-or-Treat Trail--Costume up and serve our littlest PHUMC family members.
November 1-3: The Connection Weekend @ Millsaps College--After working with our fellow local UMC youth ministries to consider schedules, the second ever Connection Weekend will be a fall semester event this time. Get ready for another great time to connect with other UMC students in our area and with Christ! More details to come soon, but of course we will need help, including but not limited to host homes, and drivers/chaperones. Registration this year is $75 due by noon on October 3.
January 12: Confirmation Sunday, 10:45 am and 5:30pm--We'll start the day with a great morning in worship for Confirmation Sunday, followed by our youth hosting a special night of Engage to officially welcome our newest students into the PHUMC Youth Ministry.
Other dates soon to come: Fall service opportunities, Wednesday night activities, this year's lock-in, fundraisers, and our annual Sabbath retreat (usually this retreat occurs in the fall but will be moved to early spring due to The Connection)