The following is the latest in a series of monthly messages from the RVR Master Association Board, called “A View From the Board.” The messages summarize recent Board decisions and discussions, and are designed to bring RVR homeowners up to date on issues important to the community.
This month’s View From the Board looks at three issues that affect most of us at RVR:
· Water, which we all use
· Trash, which we all throw away
· Playgrounds, which are an asset for our children and grandchildren
Water: Let’s begin with water. The Board is engaged in conversations about water usage within the community, primarily around our goal of using considerably less water. RVR is now about 80 percent built out, and many of the remaining unbuilt lots are on the south end of our community. As more homes are built there, we won’t have adequate water pressure on the south end of RVR for everyone to use irrigation water at the same time. We learned a lot during the drought of 2018, by mandating reduced water usage. This taught us we can get by with using less water than we did last year – and still have landscaping that meets the aesthetic standard in our neighborhood. General Manager Sterling Page is leading RVR’s efforts to explore various water conservation measures, such as odd/even days, or possibly other restrictions. You’ll be hearing more in the months ahead about these efforts to conserve this precious resource.
Trash: As we’ve communicated to you many times over recent months, the Town of Carbondale will take over managing trash on April 1. Click here to learn more. This means when trash pickup happens next Tuesday, March 24, you’ll need to leave your existing trash cans and recycle bins by the curb; your old cans and bins will be picked up, and new ones will be dropped off in front of your home. If you are away on March 24, please ask a neighbor to put out your cans until the new ones arrive. We will not be fining violators during the transition, as cans may need to sit out a few days during the swap out. Please leave the receptacles empty when out, as we don’t want to feed bears waking from hibernation. RVR has put together a helpful Q&A document to answer questions you may have about this transition. Click here to view.
Playgrounds: RVR is required to maintain and replace play equipment in Orchard Park and Triangle Park. This is a requirement that came when our PUD was approved by the Town in the 1990s. The playground equipment is now more than 20 years old, in disrepair, and needing replacement. Playground Committee members Leslie Marcus and RJ Spurrier are doing a terrific job working with the community to understand what RVR residents want, and get new equipment ordered and installed. They are working closely with town and RVR staff to modernize the playground equipment, and save thousands of dollars in the process. Still, it will be a considerable expense. Fortunately, the Board has planned for these expenses by setting money aside in our budget for capital improvements like these.
Finally, a reminder about the current Ranch House closure, which we announced on Sunday.
Out of concern for the safety and health of our employees and the RVR community, the Ranch House will be closed until at least April 9, or until it’s appropriate to reopen. The closure is due to the potential effects of the Coronavirus, which is spreading through our valley, across the country and around the world.
To read the full message detailing the reasons for the Ranch House closure, click here.
On behalf of your volunteer RVRMA Board,
Yvonne Perry Board President
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