January 2020
Newsletter of the Kensington Heights Civic Association
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KHCA is a non-partisan neighborhood organization dedicated to representing the interests of all homeowners and residents of the Kensington Heights neighborhood in maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in our community
>> January 15: KHCA Executive Committee Meeting - All Are Welcome
Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Time: 7:30 pm
Place: 10801 Torrance Drive, home of Ann and Alberto Arevalo
If you have thoughts or feedback about matters relevant to KHCA but cannot attend our meeting, you may contact us by using our contact link.
>> Upcoming Noyes Children's Library Events
Winter Wonderland Ball Sunday, January 26
On Jan. 26, 2020, the Noyes Children's Library Foundation will host The Winter Wonderland Ball, a family dance party celebrating imagination, fun and—of course—books!

Kensington Town Hall will be transformed into a fairy tale palace, with children invited to march in a Royal Procession before joining the fabulous A-Squad DJ on the dance floor. There will be crafts, photo-ops and a special Royal Reading Room with stories and songs. Costumes (of any kind) are encouraged for children and parents alike!

Space is limited, so we recommend purchasing your tickets in advance. All ages are welcome!

The Noyes Children's Library Foundation's Winter Wonderland Ball
S'mores & More at Warner Circle Park - February 22 
On Saturday, February 22, Montgomery Parks will host "S'mores and More" at Warner Circle Park across the street from Noyes Children's Library in Kensington. Families can gather around fire pits and roast marshmallows while bringing food to donate to the Manna Food Pantry. Come and enjoy Noyes' neighborhood and learn more about the work that the Friends of Warner Circle are doing on behalf of the historic Warner Mansion.
Date: Saturday, February 22
Time: 12 noon - 2:00 pm
Where: 10231 Carroll Pl, Kensington, MD

S'mores and More at Warner Circle Park
The Make MORE Noyes Renovation Campaign  
The Make MORE Noyes Renovation Campaign will transform the historic one-room Noyes Children's Library into three accessible floors, working within the 1893 footprint to create more space for young patrons and for early literacy programming and training.

After the Renovation, Noyes will become a regional and even national early literacy resource, training librarians, teachers and daycare providers through the Jan Jablonski Early Literacy Training Center, while enabling young children to build the foundation for a lifelong love of books and reading. 

The Foundation is committed to raising $1.6 million of the $3.1 million renovation budget, with Montgomery County funding the balance of the project. Read more HERE, and DONATE HERE!

Make MORE Noyes Renovation Campaign

>> Support KHCA -- Pay Your Annual Dues  
To carry out our many activities, KHCA needs your support -- both through your volunteer efforts and also, your financial donations. All residents of Kensington Heights are members of KHCA, and all members are welcome to attend and speak at KHCA meetings. However, to be a voting member, and to help support our activities on your behalf, KH residents are asked to pay annual dues of $10 per adult resident (18+ years) to a maximum of $30 per address. These monies are much appreciated and help to ensure that KHCA remains financially viable. Payment can be made online using the membership link on our website. Thank you!

>> Sidewalks
If you are interested in getting sidewalks on your street, you can use this form. It is our experience that it usually works best if a group of residents jointly make the request and if the Association also provides its support. We have been instrumental in getting the sidewalks installed on the eastern end of McComas Ave, and we think there are other streets where they might be a good idea, so if you and your neighbors are interested, please contact Andy Fraser, our traffic chair, who can help you with this project. 

>> Other Montgomery County News
>> Wheaton Revitalization Project (the new Montgomery County Park and Planning building going up at Reedie Drive between Georgia and Viers Mill)
The Wheaton Revitalization Project will provide a government office building, below-ground parking garage, and a town square as part of the Revitalization Strategy for this area. This mixed-use development will endeavor to improve mobility, increase Wheaton Metro Station use, diminish negative environmental impacts, reduce traffic congestion, and increase the diversity of employment opportunities and services in the Wheaton area.

This project, which has been looming higher and higher over the skyline each month, will be a major addition to the Wheaton area. We look forward to seeing the final result, which will join the recently opened library and recreational center on Georgia as part of the "new" Wheaton!

Overall Project Status
The project is currently 86-percent complete and on-schedule for a May 31, 2020, Substantial Completion.
Follow Project Progress via the Project Camera
A camera has been installed to view construction on the site. Click here to access the camera.

Project Milestone Schedule
For additional information on the Wheaton Revitalization Project, please visit 
>> Wheaton Gateway Redevelopment Project
The Wheaton Gateway Redevelopment Project at the Lindsay Ford/Ambassador apartment site is making progress. They have begun the demolition stages for the buildings on-site and will be building out the site over the next several years as mixed-use retail and residential. Part of the right lane and sidewalk on the north side of University Blvd will be closed off until March or so to accommodate the demolition work.
For additional information on the Wheaton Gateway Redevelopment Project, please visit https://www.wheatongateway.com/faqs
>> Montgomery County Civic Federation Meeting and Newsletter
The Montgomery County Civic Federation holds meetings every second Monday on topics of county-wide concern.  The next meeting will be on Monday, January 13, at 7:45 pm at the Executive Office Building at 101 Monroe St. in Rockville.  
The topic of the January meeting will be on Traffic and Transportation Issues Facing County with a primary focus on the plans for the proposed toll lanes of I-495 and I-270.  This has been and continues to be a highly controversial topic in this area -- and the State Board just voted in the last week to move forward with planning for this project.  This is your opportunity to hear about what is being proposed and to voice your opinion as to whether you agree or not.  KHCA is a member of the Civic Federation and we urge you to join our delegates there on Monday night.   
Click here for the latest Montgomery County Civic Federation Newsletter, which has detailed information on several upcoming important projects and dates in the County. Newsletter topics include: 
  • County 2020 Priorities | Md. General Assembly released its priorities for 2020 
  • Council Elects Officers | County Council elected Sidney Katz as Prez, Tom Hucker as Veep 
  • December 9, 2019, Meeting Minutes - Discussion of presentation on Subdivision Staging Policy -- the County's efforts to ensure that its approval of new developments correlates with plans to build the necessary infrastructure for those projects.
For more information on Montgomery County Planning and Land Use pending issues, including the proposed zone amendment to allow cell towers in residential areas, visit 

President:                            Karen Cordry (Torrance Drive)
Vice President:                    Erl Houston (St. Paul Street) 
Secretary:                            Ann Arevalo (Torrance Drive) 
Treasurer:                            Peggy Alpert (Plyers Mill Road)
Immediate Past President:     Danila Sheveiko (Melvin Grove Court) 
Beautification Co-Chairs:        Jon Foreman (University Blvd) & Vasna Nontanovan (Decatur Avenue)
Communications Chair:          Shruti Bhatnagar (McComas Avenue)
Education Chair:                     Shruti Bhatnagar (McComas Avenue)
History Chair:                         open
Land Use Chair                      Derek Karchner (Torrance Drive) 
Safety Chair:                          open
Traffic Chair:                           Andrew Fraser (McComas Avenue) 
Newsletter:                             Holly Rogner (Drumm Avenue) 
Website:                                 Ricardo Gonzalez (Casper Street) 
**Elections were held in November 2019. 

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