From One To Seven
From One To Seven

From One To Seven

In 2016 High Desert Partnership had a staff of one. Four years later, High Desert Partnership is a staff of 7. It turns out this idea of collaboration, of working together, is making it possible for people to find common ground and solutions for some of Harney County's complex challenges. The most important aspect of this work is the people and we're pleased to share three new faces to High Desert Partnership that are helping to support Harney County collaborative efforts. 

Dominic Bachman

Dominic is the Harney Basin Wetlands Initiative Aquatic Health Coordinator. Dominic stepped into this role in January to provide field coordination and on-the-ground assistance to Harney Basin Wetlands Initiative partners. The assistance he provides is there to accomplish aquatic health objectives as defined by this collaborative group. Learn about Dominic. 

Brianna Goehring

Brianna is filling the new role of Monitoring Coordinator. In this new position for High Desert Partnership Brianna is leading the development of a monitoring program that will monitor any collaboratively developed project and provide the boots on the ground with seasonal field crews to get the data collected. Read more about this new role in January's newsletter and about Brianna here.

Jennifer Taynton

Jennifer is filling the new role of Native Seed Cooperative and Economic Coordinator. In this role Jennifer is coordinating the inception of the Northern Great Basin Native Seed Production Cooperative. This cooperative is a diverse group of partners looking to enhance local native seed production with ultimately, the seeds commercially produced and marketed, used for landscape scale restoration. Read more about this new role in January's newsletter and more about Jennifer here.

And The Rest Of Us . . . 

Rounding out High Desert Partnership's staff are possibly familiar faces and/or familiar names beginning with Executive Director and one time lone employee, Brenda Smith and moving clockwise: Ecological Coordinator Ben Cate; Communications Coordinator Marla Polenz and Harney Basin Wetlands Initiative Coordinator Becki Graham.

To learn about all of High Desert Partnership's staff, facilitators and board members, click here.

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