A weekly post highlighting upcoming fellowship opportunities.
A weekly post highlighting upcoming fellowship opportunities.

Funding Friday | December 15

 A weekly post highlighting upcoming fellowships, events, and other ONIF resources.


Finals may (almost) be over, but ONIF will be open next week: December 18-21. To schedule an appointment, visit ONIF's website.
REMINDER: Walk-In Hours for the Fulbright UK Summer Institutes
December 18; January 18 and 22
The Fulbright UK Summer Institutes are three-to-four week programmes for US freshmen and sophomores. Participants can explore the culture, heritage and history of the UK while experiencing higher education at a UK university. ONIF will be holding Fulbright UKSI WALK-IN HOURS from 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. on the above dates. Students may walk-in with general questions OR bring drafts of their applications for review. 
ONIF is in University Hall, Suite 1879. Once you enter UH, head towards the Crimson Lion. Before you reach the restaurant, enter the elevator lobby on your right and walk through the metal door marked “1762-1859”. Turn right and enter the LMU Extension office in UH 1863. Suite 1879 is tucked in the back of the Extension offices.

Upcoming Award Deadlines by College

Please note: many awards fall into more than one category or college. Read the eligibility requirements or contact ONIF for assistance.

All or Most Disciplines 
Rossotrunischestvo Funding to Study in Russia- Deadline: January 5. The Carmel Institute of Russian Culture and History invites applications for the first round of the Rossotrudnichestvo two-tier selection process for full tuition grants for language courses, B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees at participating Russian universities in the 2018-2019 academic year and the summer of 2018. Awards are open to U.S. citizens.
POINT Scholarships- Deadline: January 29. Point Foundation empowers promising lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender, and queer students to achieve their full academic and leadership potential - despite the obstacles often put before them - to make a significant impact on society. Open to qualifying undergraduate and graduate students. 
Mount Vernon Leadership Fellows Program- Deadline: January 31. The Mount Vernon Leadership Fellows program is a fully paid and funded, five and a half week summer residential program for sophomores who desire to make a difference. Open to US Citizens of all majors and must have a minimum 3.4 GPA to apply. 

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
American Enterprise Institute’s Summer Honors Program- Deadline: December 31. A series of  fully-funded educational and professional development opportunities in Washington, DC, for top undergraduate students. Students in the program have the chance to connect with the ideas, research, and network of AEI, one of America’s preeminent think tanks. Each seminar features 20-25 students and is led by AEI scholars or other policy practitioners, including renowned economists and foreign policy experts. Outside of the seminars, students participate in policy briefings with distinguished guests, high-level networking events, and site visits in Washington. You do not need to be enrolled in LMU's Honors Program to apply.
Greenlining Fellowship Program- Deadline: January 28. The Fellowship program is a year-long development and experiential learning program for young leaders that have completed their undergraduate degree and are seeking hands-on public policy experience.

Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Future Public Health Leaders Program (FPHLP)- Deadline: January 31. A 10-week residential program at the University of Michigan School of Public Health (UM-SPH) designed to encourage underrepresented college students to consider careers in public health. The program is intended for college students in their Sophomore, Junior or Senior year who are undecided about their career goals and are in good academic standing in their area of study. Students are not required to have previous experience in public health. Participants receive leadership training, orientation to the public health disciplines, and real-world work experience. The program is meant to foster knowledge of, excitement about, and commitment to health equity. The program includes public health and career mentorship, hands-on and practical field experience, seminars, lectures and workshops with public health leaders. 
Other Notable Opportunities
Hertog Foundation Weekend Seminars- Deadline: January 15. Hertog Weekend Seminars provide top undergraduates with the rare opportunity to engage in high-level intellectual discussion and debate on the most influential works in political thought and the most pressing policy issues facing the United States with renowned scholars, leading experts, and a community of peers from across the country. Not a lecture or a conference, each seminar is centered around in-depth, student-driven dialogue on a set of curated readings. Seminars typically begin on a Friday evening and conclude Sunday afternoon. In addition to providing course materials, the Hertog Foundation covers all meals and travel and lodging costs.
Maternal Child Health Careers/Research Initiatives for Student Enhancement - Undergraduate Program (MCHC/RISE-UP)- Deadline: January 31. The MCHC/RISE-UP Program provides opportunities for enhanced public health leadership training to focus on elimination of health disparities and promotion of health equity. MCHC/RISE-UP’s ultimate goal is to promote a more equitable health system by introducing highly qualified diverse undergraduate scholars (juniors and seniors with a GPA 2.7 or better on a 4.0 scale; and scholars who received their baccalaureate degree within 12 months of MCHC/RISE-UP program orientation) to the field of public health. All scholars interested in reducing health disparities and promoting social justice, especially scholars from underrepresented populations in the field of public health, are strongly encouraged to apply.
Loyola Marymount University
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